apcce.gov.in HRMS Human Resource Management System Andhra Pradesh : Commissionerate of Collegiate Education

Organization : Commissionerate of Collegiate Education
Service Name : HRMS Human Resource Management System
Applicable State: Andhra Pradesh
Website : http://www.apcce.gov.in/


Guidelines For HRMS Project:
1. Connect to departmental website www.apcce.gov.in Click the link Human Resource Management System – Login form.

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2. Click on “ College Admin Registration” button on the above webform.

3. Select button “ College Staff” on the above form. Also on the above form, then select your district, zone, college category, college name by choosing the dropdown list. In the “ Enter Code” box, Enter your college code. ( College code was sent you through your regular email). After entering all the information click on “Submit” button.

4. Please note the number generated in the “User ID” box. That number is now your User-ID. In the “password” box, choose a password by entering your choice of the text. In the “Confirm Password” box, enter the same text what you have entered in the “Password” box. Then click on “Submit” button. You will get the following webpage. (Please remember, your User-ID, Password. Using these User-ID, Password, you are able to login into HRMS package. Above webpage is the example where you are able to see userid of GDC(M), Adilabad.)

5. Before entering the employee (staff) details, you have to generate employee code. For this, click on “ Staff Registering” link. (See above webpage and locate “Staff Registering” link).

6. In the above webform, enter employee name in the speicified box and select his/her designation from the “Choose Designation” dropdownlist. Also select “College Category” box using dropdownlist. After entering them, click on “Submit” button. Immediately on the same form, you are able to see name of the employee, generated employee code (Staff code) and designation.

Here Mahidhara is employee name, his employee code is APCCE201410002 and his designation is Lecturer. Remembrance of Employee Code is necessary to enter his/her particulars in the four staff details forms. Likewise you are able to generate all the staff members of the college. (Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff).

7. After registration of the all the employees are completed click on “Home” link, you will get the following webform once again.

8. Now you are ready to enter the details of Staff and College in HRMS package. Place mouse pointer on “Staff Details”, you will observe the following webform where you are able to see four links.

9. Click on first link “ Staff Personal Details” you will get the following webform where you have to enter employee “Staff Code” in the alloted box for whom you wish to enter particulars. ( For example you want to enter Mahidhara particulars, you have to enter his staff code APCCE201410002) and Click on “Submit” button.

10. The following webform “Staff Personal Details” is displayed. You have to enter all the particulars and Click “Submit” button.

11. After clicking “Submit” button on above webform, immediately the second form “ Staff Offcial Details” is displayed. Enter all the particulars in it and click on “Submit” button.

12. After clicking the “Submit” button on the above webform, immediately control transferred to third webform “ Staff Academic Details”. Fill all the particulars in it and Click on “Submit” button.

13. After submitting the information on third form, control immediately transfer to fourth web form “ Staff Service Details”. Fill all the particulars in it and Click on “Submit” button. You will able to see “ Record submitted successfully” message. That means one particular employee details have been submitted. Adopt the same procedure to other employees.

For any reason, if you have logged out after filling and submitting the first form, it is also possible to enter second form “ Staff Official Details”, third form “ Staff Academic Details” and fourth form “ Staff Service Details” at later stage. For this, you have logged in into your collge account by entering userid, password and selecting “College admin” and then by clicking “Login” button. Move the mouse pointer on “ Staff Details” and Click on required link. See the following webform.

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