mphrc.nic.in Complaint Registration : Madhya Pradesh Human Rights Commission

Organization : Madhya Pradesh Human Rights Commission
Service Name : Complaint Registration
Applicable State: Madhya Pradesh

Website : http://www.mphrc.nic.in/content/complaint.aspx

Register Complaint :

The commission accepts the telegraphic complaints, complaints conveyed through FAX, through post at the Commission’s Reception counter at Bhopal Office and now the complaints can also be registered Online through online complaint registration.

Related : High Court of Madhya Pradesh Check Case Status : www.statusin.in/25347.html

The complaints can be made in Hindi, English, Urdu or in any other language included in the eighth schedule of the constitution. The complaints are expected to be self contained. No fee is charged on complaints.

Complaints beyond scope of registering:
Ordinarily, complaints of the following nature are not entertained by the commission:
a. In regard to events which happened more than one year before the making of the complaints
b. With regard to matters which are sub– judice
c. Which are of frivolous nature
d. Which are vague, anonymous or pseudonymous
e. Those which are outside the purview of the commission
f. Matters pending before the National Human Rights Commission or any other commission.

Commission power relating to inquiries:
The commission while inquiring into complaints of violations of human rights may call for information or report from the state government or any other authority or organization subordinate thereto within such time as may be specified by it, provided that if the information or report is not received within the time stipulated by the commission, it may proceed to inquire into the complaint on its own. On the other hand , if on receipt of information or report, the commission is satisfied either that no further inquiry is required or that the required action has been initiated or taken by the concerned government or authority, it may not proceed with the complaint and inform the complainant accordingly

While inquiring into complaints under the act, the commission shall have all the powers of a civil court trying a suit under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1980, and in particular the following namely:
i Summoning and enforcing the attendance of witness and examining them on oath.

ii. Discovery and production of any document.

iii Receiving evidence on affidavits.

iv Requisitioning any public record or copy thereof from any court or office.

v Issuing commissions for the examination of witness or documents.

vi Any other matter which may be prescribed.

About Us :
With a view to provide easy and close access to the needy victims of human rights violations, the State Human Rights Commission was constituted in the state of Madhya Pradesh in September 1995.

Madhya Pradesh was amongst the first few States to constitute this Commission. The Madhya Pradesh Human Rights Commission is an expression of the concern for the protection and promotion of human rights.

Categories: Madhya Pradesh
Tags: mphrc.nic.in
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