maudosr.ap.gov.in Maud Document Number Generation & View Online Stock File Register Andhra Pradesh : Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department

Organization : Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department
Service Name : Maud Document Number Generation & View Online Stock File Register
State : Andhra Pradesh

Website : http://maudosr.ap.gov.in/

Maud Document Number Generation

1. Preparatory work: Keep DOCUMENT text file ready on desk top of your computer.

Related / Similar Service :

2. Visit www.maudosr.ap.gov.in:
a. User Name: Enter your Login Name
b. Password: Enter your password
c. Click “Login”

3. Click “maud Doc no Generation” on Main Menu:
a. Department: System will populate itself
b. File NO.: Enter File number like 468
c. Year : Select year from list.
d. Section: System will populate itself from user id.
e. Doc Number: System will generate
f. Doc Type: Select from List
g. Doc Category: Select from List
h. Doc Date: Current System Date will be indicated by System
i. ABSTRACT: Enter Abstract of DOCUMENT here in English only

j. Click “Browse”:
i. Select the Doc File at Desk Top
ii. Click “Open”
iii. Click “Check the Text”. This is to ensure that correct Doc text is uploaded. If text is OK, proceed further. Otherwise again Click Browse and repeat steps j(i) to j(iii)
iv. Click “Upload and Generate Doc Number”. System will display message, “ Doc number generated successfully”
v. System will display Document Number in Doc number field. Note down the Doc number for noting on Office copy of your Document.

4. Click “Logout” to exit application

View Online Stock File Register Files:
1. Visit www.maudosr.ap.gov.in
2. Click on View online stock file register on Main Menu. Select at least ONE parameter for fast search.

3. Select :
a. Section: Select Office from List
b. Doc Type: Select Document type from List. If no Document Type is selected, System will display Documents of All Types.
c. Doc Category: Select from List
d. Doc Number: Enter Number if you know
e. Doc Date: Enter definite Date if you know in DDMMYYYY format (For example 01032007 for 01-03-2007). Otherwise enter Range, From Date To Date. If you keep To Date as Blank, system will display Documents up to Current date.
f. Search Text: You can enter Search Text here. System will search for these words in ABSTRACT of Document but not in Text Body of Document.
g. Click Search. System will display Documents(s) which meets the selected parameters
h. Click “select” of Relevant Document record to view and print.

About Us :
The Department of Municipal Administration and Urban Development handles planning and development in urban and rural areas. The development is achieved through Master Plans prepared for urban centers and rural areas.

The main functions of the Department are :
** Assist the government in town and country planning matters
** Coordinate with various departments involved in development schemes like A.P. Housing Board, A.P. State Housing and Urban Development Corporations, A.P. Industrial and infrastructure Corporation, Industries Department, and more

Categories: Andhra Pradesh
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