sportsauthorityofindia.nic.in SAI Come & Play Scheme : Sports Authority of India

Organization : Sports Authority of India
Scheme Name : Come & Play Scheme
Applicable To : Age Group 8-17
Applicable Places: Delhi & across the country

Website https://sportsauthorityofindia.nic.in/
Application Form : https://www.statusin.in/uploads/10695-Form.pdf

What is SAI Come and Play Scheme?

The Come & Play Scheme was initiated for optimum utilization of SAI sports facilities in Delhi and across the country, and primarily focussed on encouraging local sports persons in areas where SAI sports facilities/Centres are operational.

Related : SAI Sports Authority of India SAG Special Area Games Scheme : www.statusin.in/10709.html

While providing youth from local communities and sports enthusiasts with an opportunity to train under SAI coaches, the scheme provides yet another avenue for those not covered under regular residential/ non-residential schemes. The scheme creates yet another pool of talented sportspersons from where meritorious sportspersons can be scouted and inducted into regular residential sports promotional schemes of STC and SAG.

The Scheme was initiated at various SAI Stadium Complexes in Delhi, in phases, in May, 2011. The enthusiasm and overwhelming response for the scheme encouraged SAI to launch this Scheme at its various Regional Centres/Sub Centres/Academic Institutions/STC and SAG Centres from 1st October 2011.

The scheme is given wide publicity through press release in local media, including newspapers, TV spots and Radio jingles etc. Information/ intimation is provided to various district, block, local authorities and the District Education Officers/District Sports Officers as also Headmasters/Principals of schools/colleges in and around SAI Centres so that maximum number of trainees are made aware of the facilities available, thereby enabling them to access it better.

Selection Criteria of Come and Play Scheme

The `Come & Play Scheme’ essentially caters to the 8-17 age group. Following their selection, age specific competitions i.e. 8-10, 10-12 and 12-17 years are conducted twice a year. The first three position holders in the relevant age groups in these competitions are encouraged to participate in the competitions organized for selection of trainees for admission in STC/SAG schemes under Category/Criteria III of selection.

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Disciplines Covered:
The specific sports disciplines to be covered are decided by the In-charge Regional Centre/Sub-Centre on the basis of available infrastructure, sports equipment and coaches.

Fee Structure of Come and Play Scheme

SAI Come and Play Scheme Fee Structure:

A nominal fee of Rs. 45/- per month may be charged for specified time allotted usage. Complimentary membership (without fees) is issued to international sportspersons and national/state medal winners (both in the age group of 17-21 years) during last 3 years, children of SAI employees on yearly basis. Complimentary membership is also given to Below Poverty Line trainees. Girls trainees and children in Government schools are given membership at 1/3rd of the above mentioned fees

The trainees are provided playing arenas/non-consumable equipments like field, track, tables, mats, etc. Minimum and inescapable consumables like balls, shuttle-cocks, etc. are also provided by SAI. Trainees are, however, required to bring sports equipment like racquets, bats etc.

Rules of Come and Play Scheme

Rules & Regulations of SAI Come and Play Scheme
1. SAI/AITA will not be responsible for any injury/loss of life during the playing period and no compensation or claim will be entertained.
2. All instructions imposed by the Administrator or his representative will be strictly adhered to.
3. Membership Card will be brought every day and will be shown on demand.
4. Pets are not allowed inside the Stadium Complex.
5. Any deliberate damage/loss caused to the Stadium property will be recovered from the member.
6. Stadium Authority reserves the right to suspend/cancel the membership of any individual without giving any prior notice/reason in the interest of efficient functioning of the arrangements.
7. The access to the family members is limited to areas specified by the Administrator.
8. SAI/AITA will not be responsible for loss of any valuable/cash.
9. Fee will be collected from members between 11.30 AM to 4.00 PM (Lunch 1.30 to 2.00 PM). The cards automatically get cancelled, if not renewed within stipulated period.
10. No refund or adjustment of fee will be made in case the Swimming Pool & other facilities are closed for maintenance or for any other unavoidable reasons.
11. SAI/AITA reserves the right to change the Training time as and when required

FAQ On SAI Come & Play Scheme

Here are some FAQ on SAI Come and Play Scheme:

What is SAI Come and Play Scheme?
SAI Come and Play Scheme is a sports development program run by the Sports Authority of India (SAI). The scheme aims to provide opportunities for children and youth to participate in sports and develop their sporting skills.

Who is eligible for SAI Come and Play Scheme?
The scheme is open to all children and youth between the ages of 6 and 18 years. There are no specific eligibility criteria, but applicants must be interested in participating in sports.

How to apply for SAI Come and Play Scheme?
Applications for the scheme can be submitted online or at any SAI regional centre. The application process is simple and straightforward.

Categories: Scheme
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