nrega.telangana.gov.in Job Card Holders Information & Household Employment Details : Department of Rural Development

Organization : Telangana Department of Rural Development
Facility : Job Card Holders Information & Household Employment Details

Home Page : http://www.nrega.telangana.gov.in/Nregs/FrontServlet?requestType=NewReportsRH&page=wagecenter_eng
Job Card Holders Information : http://www.nrega.telangana.gov.in/Nregs/FrontServlet?requestType=Common_Ajax_engRH&actionVal=Display&page=commondetails_eng
Household Employment Details : http://www.nrega.telangana.gov.in/Nregs/FrontServlet?requestType=Common_Ajax_engRH&actionVal=Display&page=HHEmpDetails_eng
Search by Jobcard ID : http://www.nrega.telangana.gov.in/Nregs/FrontServlet?requestType=Common_engRH&actionVal=display&page=Srchhouse_eng

NREGA Telangana Job Card Holders Information

The Wage Seeker module is used for registration of the households. The respective Gram Panchayat under the supervision of the Sarpanch (village head) carries out registration of the households at village level.

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A wage seeker and his family members can register under this scheme by submitting an application at the Gram Panchayat. A register maintained at the gram panchayat will be sent to the Mandal Computer Centre (MCC) for entry of the wage seeking household information. The MCC allocates a Jobcard ID that is an 18-digit identification number consisting of 14-digit habitation code (District, Assembly, Mandal, Gram Panchayat, Village and Habitation) and a 4-digit household running serial number. A Job card shall be generated for each household and handed over to the Gram Panchayat. The gram panchayat completes the job card by affixing the photograph of the household duly attesting the same and hands it over to the household. The diagram and the following flowchart represent the processes involved in a sequential order.

Job Card Holders Information :
This view provides information about job card holders registered, their break-up in terms of caste, male, , disabled etc. The view is provided at district, mandal and gram panchayat levels. At gram panchayat and village level, the view shows individual household details. Upon selecting the household, the view displays details of the family. above details. Upon selecting the household, the view displays further details of family. Press “Go” for displaying the view. Press “Export to Excel” for exporting the displayed data to the Excel Sheet.

NREGA Telangana Household Employment Details

This view provides information about number of households working, how many of them completed 100 and more days, in between 100 and 75 days etc and average wage earned. These details are segmented district, mandal and gram panchayat wise. At gram panchayat and village level, the view shows individual household wise no. of days worked, average wage earned and more. Upon selecting the household, the view displays further details of family. Press Go for displaying the view. Press Export to Excel for exporting the displayed data in the Excel Sheet.

Search by Jobcard ID / Consolidated Muster Rolls

Using this view, the details of any household can be viewed by providing the Jobcard ID. The 18 digits Jobcard ID can be entered directly or alternately, district, mandal, gram panchayat and village of particular household can be selected by using dropdown menu and at the end, the last four digits of the HH ID can be entered. Press ‘Find’ for showing details such as no. of days worked, average wage earned and more.

FAQ On NREGA Telangana

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) in Telangana:

What is NREGA?
The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) is a social security legislation enacted by the Government of India in 2005. It provides a legal guarantee of 100 days of unskilled manual employment in a financial year to every rural household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work.

What is the NREGA scheme in Telangana?
The NREGA scheme in Telangana is the implementation of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) in the state of Telangana. The scheme was launched in Telangana in 2014.

Who is eligible for NREGA in Telangana?
Any rural household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work is eligible for NREGA in Telangana.

Categories: Telangana
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