Procedure For Issuance Of Renewable Energy Certificate To Eligible Entity : REC Registry of India

Organization : Renewable Energy Certificate [REC] Registry of India
Facility : Procedure For Issuance Of Renewable Energy Certificate To Eligible Entity

Home Page :https://www.recregistryindia.nic.in/
Download here : https://www.statusin.in/uploads/1192-cREC_Procedures.pdf

Procedure For Issuance Of REC To Eligible Entity :

** This procedure shall provide guidance to the entities to implement Renewable Energy Certificate mechanism as envisaged under Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

Related : REC Registry of India Procedure For Issuance Of Renewable Energy Certificate To Eligible Entity : www.statusin.in/1192.html

(Terms and Conditions for recognition and issuance of Renewable Energy Certificate for Renewable Energy Generation) Regulations, 2010 notified by CERC, (hereinafter referred to as “the CERC REC Regulations”). This procedure shall be called „Procedure for Issuance of Renewable Energy Certificates to the Eligible Entities’.
** This procedure is issued in compliance to the Regulation 3(3) of the CERC REC Regulations and prepared in order to implement the CERC REC Regulations to facilitate development of market in power from renewable energy sources by issuance of „Renewable Energy Certificates (REC)- .
** Words and expressions used in these Procedures

Functions, Roles And Responsibilities Of Entities Involved
The roles and responsibilities of the entities involved is elaborated in the following paragraphs,

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Eligible Entity :
** The Eligible Entity shall apply for issuance of Renewable Energy Certificates in the format specified by the Central Agency.
** In case the Eligible Entity is connected with the transmission network, it shall coordinate with the concerned State Transmission Utility/State Load Despatch Centre for record of meter readings and energy injection report corresponding to electricity generated by the said renewable energy project.
** In case the Eligible Entity is connected with the distribution network of Distribution Utility, it shall
** The Eligible Entity shall comply with the duties and obligations specified by the Central Agency.

State Load Despatch Centre (SLDC) :
** SLDC shall follow Indian Electricity Grid Code and State Grid Code for the purpose of accounting renewable energy injected into the grid.
** The energy injection by Registered RE Generator for the first month, for issuance of REC, shall be applicable from the date of commercial operation or from the 00 :00 hrs of next day of registration of such plant by the Central Agency, whichever is later

Reporting Requirement : Format For Re Certificate :
The Central Agency shall issue the electronic renewable energy certificates to the Eligible Entity in the format as elaborated in the FORMAT 3.2.

Fees And Charges :
** The fees and charges2 towards processing of application and issuing the RE certificates shall be as mentioned below :
** Application Processing Fees : Rs._________/- shall be payable at the time of submitting application for issuance of RECs to Central Agency.

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