kshrc.kar.nic.in Procedure for Filing Complaint : Karnataka State Human Rights Commission

Organisation :Karnataka State Human Rights Commission
Facility : Procedure for filing complaint

Home Page :http://www.kshrc.kar.nic.in/
Download here :https://www.statusin.in/uploads/1332-Format%20for%20filing%20a%20complaint%20with%20the%20KSHRC.pdf

KSHRC Format for filing a complaint

** Name
** Sex
** Full Address

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** Incident Place (Village/Town/City)
** Date of incident
** District
** Male District Pin Code

** Name of the victim
** No. of victims
** Full Address
** Religion Caste

Whether Disabled :
** Brief summary of facts/allegations of human rights involved.
** Whether similar complaint has been filed before any Court/Commission.
** Name, designation & address of the public servant against whom Complaint is being made.
** Name, designation & address of the authority/officials to whom the public servant is answerable.
** Prayer/Relief if any, sought.

Complaint may be sent either by Post or by Fax to Nos. 080-22392206/07 or through e-mail to kshrc2007 AT gmail.com

Guidelines on how to file complaint with the KSHRC :
** Complaint may be made to the Commission by the victim or any other person on his behalf.
** Complaint should be in writing either in English or Kannada. Only one set of complaint needs to be submitted to the Commission.
** No fee is chargeable on such complaints.
** The complaint shall disclose
i) violation of human rights or abetment thereof or;
(ii) negligence in the prevention of such violations, by a public servant.
** The Commission will not entertain complaints relating to any matter after the expiry of one year from date on which the act is alleged to have been committed.
** Documents, if any enclosed in support of the allegations in the complaint must be legible.
** Name of the victim, his/ her age, sex, religion/ caste, District to which the incident relates, incident date etc. should invariably be mentioned in the complaint.
** Please submit the complaint preferably in the enclosed format.

Following types of Complaint(s) are not ordinarily entertainable :
i. Illegible
ii. Vague, anonymous or pseudonymous;
iii. Trivial or frivolous in nature;
iv. Unsigned;
v. Which will not reveal full postal address;
vi. The matters which are pending before any other Commission;
vii. Any matter after the expiry of one year from the date on which the act constituting violation of human rights is alleged to have been committed;
viii. Allegation is not against any public servant;
ix. The issue raised relates to civil dispute, such property rights, contractual obligations, etc;
x. The issue raised relates to service matters;
xi. The issue raised relates to labour/industrial disputes;
xii. Allegations do not make out any specific violation of human rights;
xiii. The matter is sub-judice before a Court/ Tribunal;
xiv. The matter is covered by judicial verdict/decision of the Commission.
As far as possible complainants are advised to make use of the format given above
to file their complaints. The guidelines indicate the kind of information, which would
facilitate in processing a complaint.

Categories: Karnataka

View Comments (2)

  • Respected sir,
    I am N.P. Venkateswarulu s/o N. Pachapillai residency of house no:110 , opposite to government silk factory , A.K. azad nagar ,C.B. BELLARY , Karnataka state.

    A complaint submitted to your office (The superintendent of police Raichur and transferred to Bellary Gandhinagar police station )by Rani H/O N.P.Guruswamy D/O Subramnym pillai , sarangam Rammurthy compound S.N. Pet IIIrd cross Bellary against (N.P.Guruswamy, N.P. Venkateswarulu and others) of my family members dated:06/08/2014 , First information Report( under section :154 Cr.Pc)was Registered at Market Yard police station Raichur Act : IPC 1860 under section ns 498A.504,506,34 Before the Honourable court of Pri.Civil Judge (Sr.Dn ) and CJM Court Raichur, Raichur district.

    In this connection the FIR copy file send to Bellary Gandhinagar police station Section (Colum ):41(a) Sub colum (1) NO:40/2015 Sections:498(A) 504-506 RE/V 34 IPC was registered at Gandhi nagar police station ,Bellary ,Bellary district

    1) she(Rani)code of criminal procedure M.C.231/2011 & M.C. 82/2013 is taking maintance from 28-05-2009 to till today without physical contact not enjoying the conjugal rights ,no commutation with her (Rani) husband and family members the 498(a) 504,506,34 case is applicable for her?

    2)In her complaint to you she stated that we have beaten her on stomach abusing that she is carrying female child in this have you received any scanning medical (M.L.C) report from her. When a case is going on Bellary court what made her not to give complaint in the court.

    3) she is stated her complaint to you place of occurrence in FIR Bellary , Koppal , Kooknoor village , but she is staying with her parents at Bellary from 28-05-2009 to till today and working as a receptionist and sample collectionist at Amrutha Diagnostic center Gandhi nagar Bellary Dr. P. Sreedhara Murthy, (MBBS ,DCP) the owner of Amrutha Diagnostic center.
    If there is any proof that she is enjoying her conjugal rights at Raichur district .

    4) she had not mentioned date of occurrence particular place of occurrence and time in her written petition do you have any provision to make FIR.

    5 ) In her complaint to you she stated that at the time of carrying ceremony Rani and her parents along with her brother came to husband’s house to come and attend the carrying ceremony husband and his family members abused them with bad words and beaten them so in this connection in which place we have abused them what are documentary evidence .

    6) The complainer stated that in the complaint that we have abused her and her parents on which date what made her not to admit in the case along with her maintance

    7)The complainer stated that in her complaint to you that she is staying with her parents where the question arises that we have demand dowry and etc.,

    8)The complainer stated that in her complaint to you that she had went along with her parents to join her husband in which place she had went to join husband .

    9) The complainer stated that in her complaint to you that she her shelf stated in complaint give to you that she is staying with her brother and parents why she had lodge a complaint nearest police station at Gandhi nagar police station ,Bellary ,Bellary district?

    10) The complainer stated that in her complaint to you that she is not getting maintance and he is not expecting me to take into the family ,in this connection without court orders do you have any provision ? take action against her husband and his family members .
    Have you questioned her in at which place she had brought household articles and gold ornaments .

    11) As she had stated in her complaint given to you that we have threaten her and her parents unless the divorce and maintance comes from her. The cases in the court will continue as it is in this connection do you have provision without court permission to take action on her husband

    12) Rani and her family members are having numbers of litigations with others .If any thing happen her life and her family we not responsible for that since 7 years her maintance case is going on in the court.

    13) She had given her complaint at Raichur super- indent of police stating that she stated along with her husband at kukanoor Koppal district and Bellary what grounds you have provision to make FIR and send to Bellary . what made not advice her to go to Bellary police.

    15) In your FIR statement you have mentioned she got FATAL INJURY for your complainer have you absorbed fatal injury on her body and admitted her in which hospital date time of admission (M.L.C).

    16) The complainer stated that in her complaint to you that the occurrence of place mentioned her complaint “BELLARY, and KUKANOOR , KOPPALA” district . Do you know that there is no police department either in Bellary district and Kukanoor Kopala district ?

    17)The complainer stated that in her complaint that her husband married another woman , my husband said that if ‘I don’t give divorce he will kill me.

    18) Though the (I.O) Investigation Officer made necessary enquires according to Rani’s complaint he stated in this statement that complaint given by the Rani w/o N.P.Guruswamy is completely false but you have written FIR and what grounds you have belived and made FIR in IPC:1860(u/s 498A,504,506, 34).

    19) In the crime no:90/2014, FIR date:06-08-14 Raichur west police circle you have maintain dairy and documents that you have maintained in this case.

    20) What are the steps (Before and after FIR) you have taken in this case as per Hon’ble Supreme Court guidelines?

    21) I want to FIR time am/pm In the crime no:90/2014, FIR date:06-08-14 Raichur west police circle, Raichur district.

    22) In the crime no:40/2015, FIR date:04-03-15(I.O) Investigation Officer Gandhinagar police Bellary you have maintain dairy and documents that you have maintained in this case.

    * Where fore I pray the authority the Raichur market yard police with out enquiry on what grounds they filed ( FIR) first information report Crime no : 0090/2014 FIR time 10:30 PM date :06/08/ 2014 Act : IPC:1860 under sections -498 A. 504, 506, 34. Honourable court of Prl. Civil judge (sr,Dn) & CJM Court Raichur Raichur district , against me and my family members .

    *Where fore I pray the authority the Bellari Gandhi nagar police with out enquiry on what grounds they filed ( FIR) first information report Crime no : 40/2015 date :04/03/ 2015 , 41(A) under sections - 498 A. 504, 506, 34 IPC. District Court Bellari, Bellari,district , against me and my family members.

  • A police officer has misusing his power for caste and he has charged some non bailable case on me and my family. So can I register complaint against him?

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