agmarknet.nic.in Rural Godown Scheme : Directorate of Marketing & Inspection

Organisation :Directorate of Marketing & Inspection
Facility : Rural Godown Scheme

Home Page :https://agmarknet.gov.in/

Rural Godown Scheme :

It is well known that the small farmers do not have the economic strength to retain the produce with them till the market prices are favourable.

Related : Directorate of Marketing & Inspection Application Status Monitoring System of AGMARK Certification : www.statusin.in/1552.html

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There has been a felt need in the country to provide the farming community with facilities for scientific storage so that wastage and produce deterioration are avoided and also to enable it to meet its credit requirement without being compelled to sell the produce at a time when the prices are low. A network of rural godowns will enable small farmers to enhance their holding capacity in order to sell their produce at remunerative prices and avoid distress sales. Accordingly, Grameen Bhandaran Yojana,

The main objectives of the scheme include creation of scientific storage capacity with allied facilities in rural areas to meet the requirements of farmers for storing farm produce, processed farm produce and agricultural inputs; promotion of grading, standardization and quality control of agricultural produce to improve their marketability; prevention of distress sale immediately after harvest by providing the facility of pledge financing and marketing credit; strengthen agricultural marketing infrastructure in the country by paving the way for the introduction of a national system

Eligible Organizations
i) The project for construction of rural godowns can be taken up by individuals, farmers, Group of farmers/growers, Partnership/ Proprietary firms, Non-Government Organizations (NGO’s), Self Help Groups (SHGs), Companies, Corporations, Co-operatives, Local Bodies other than Municipal Corporations, Federations, Agricultural Produce Marketing Committees, Marketing Boards and Agro Processing Corporations in the entire country. Assistance for renovation of rural godowns will, however, be restricted to godowns constructed by cooperatives only.
ii) Under the scheme, the entrepreneur will be free to construct godown at any place, as per his/her commercial judgment except for the restriction that it would be outside the limits of Municipal Corporation area. Rural godowns constructed in the Food Parks promoted by the Ministry of Food Processing Industries shall also be eligible under the scheme for assistance.

waterproof (control of moisture from floor, walls and roof etc.) :
** The godown structure shall have protection from rodents.
** The godown shall have protection from birds (windows / ventilators with jali).
** The openings of godown such as doors, windows etc. shall be designed in such a manner that the godown can be sealed for effective fumigation etc.
** The godown complex shall have an easy approach road, pucca internal roads, proper drainage, arrangements for effective control against fire and theft and

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