cbec.gov.in Document Status On Mobile SMS : Central Board of Excise & Customs

Organisation : Central Board of Excise & Customs
Facility : Document Status On Mobile SMS

Home Page :http://www.cbec.gov.in/
Sms Query :http://www.cbec.gov.in/sms/sms_query.htm

Document Status On Mobile SMS :

For Air Cargo Delhi
Shipping Bill on SMS Status :

Related : Central Board of Excise & Customs Get Imports & Exports Status Through SMS : www.statusin.in/1408.html

Create Message
SB <Shipping Bill No.>
Send to 9811888800.
For Example : SB 6204348
Send to 9811888800

Job Number Status on SMS :
Create Message
JE <Job No.>
Send to 9811888800.
For Example : JE 511144
Send to 9811888800

Related Post

Export manifest Status on SMS :
Create Message
EM <EGM No> <Year in 4 Digits>
Send to 9811888800.
For Example : EM 111 1995
Send to 9811888800

Exporter Code Status on SMS :
Create Message
EC <Importer/Exporter Code No>
Send to 9811888800.
For Example : EC 0598039040
Send to 9811888800

IEC Information from DGFT :
Create message DG <Imp-EXP No>
Send to 9811888800
For Example : DG 0598039040
Send to 9811888800

For DEPB Information :
Create message DE <DEPB Registration No> <Registration date>
Send to 9811888800
For Example : DE 1222 02-2-01
Send to 9811888800

For Help :
create Message HELP
Send to 9811888800.
For Example : HELP
Send to 9811888800

Software Solution by Osprey Software (9810375805) : & Powered by HUTCH
For Further Details Call : 9810137209

Tags: cbec.gov.in
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