cbec-easiest.gov.in Check status for Challan Identification Number : Central Board of Excise & Customs

Organisation : Central Board of Excise & Customs
Facility :Check status for Challan Identification Number

Home Page : https://cbec-easiest.gov.in/EST/
Check Status : https://onlineservices.cbec-easiest.gov.in/csi/index.html

Check status for Challan Identification Number :

Using this feature, Assessee can track online the status of their challans deposited in Banks.

Related : Central Board of Excise & Customs Assessee Code Based Search : www.statusin.in/6257.html

CIN based view :
On entering Challan Identification Number (CIN i.e. details such as BSR Code of Collecting Branch, Challan Tender Date & Challan Serial No.) and amount (optional), assessee can view the following details :
** BSR Code
** Date of Deposit
** Challan Serial Number
** Major Head Code with description
** Assessee code
** Name of Assessee
** Received by NSDL on (i.e. date of receipt by NSDL)
** Confirmation that the amount entered is correct (if amount is entered)

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Challan Status Inquiry for Banks
Using this feature, tax collecting Branches and the focal point Branches can track online the status of their challans deposited in Banks as follows :

Collecting Bank Branch :
On providing the Branch scroll date and the major head code-description, the tax collecting Branch can access the following details :
** Scroll Number
** Scroll Date
** Major Head Code – Description
** Total Amount
** Number of Challans

Further, for each Collecting Branch Scroll Date, following information can be accessed
** Challan Serial Number
** Challan Tender Date
** Assessee Code
** Name of Assessee
** Amount
** Date of receipt by NSDL

Focal Point Bank Branch :
On providing the focal scroll date and the major head code-description, the focal Branch can view the following details :
** Focal Branch Scroll Number
** Scroll Date
** Major Head Code – Description
** Total Amount
** Number of Branches
** Number of Challans

Further, for each Focal Branch Scroll Number, following information can be accessed
** BSR Code
** Branch Scroll Number
** Branch Scroll Date
** Total Amount
** Number of Challans
** Date of receipt by NSDL

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