agmarknet.nic.in Application Status Monitoring System of AGMARK Certification : Directorate of Marketing & Inspection

Organisation : Directorate of Marketing & Inspection
Facility : Application Status Monitoring System of AGMARK Certification

Home Page : https://agmarknet.gov.in/
Status Monitoring System : http://agmarkweb.dacnet.nic.in/roapp/LoginPage.aspx

Application Status Monitoring System of AGMARK Certification :

Login into the Application :
Open Internet Browser.
** Type site address as dacnet.nic.in/cadmi in address bar. The screen will be displayed as shown in Figure-I

Related : Directorate of Marketing & Inspection Rural Godown Scheme : www.statusin.in/1397.html

** Select your Regional Office/Sub-Office name from the Username drop down box.
** Type password and click “Log In” Button.
** If the user logged as a Regional Office, the screen will be displayed as follows
** If the user logged as Sub Office, the screen will be shown as follows
** Click here ‘New Application’ button for New Application data entry for C.A certification.

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New Application :
** Select the desired activity from the above menu (Figure-II) and press ‘Input Data’ button to enter the data.
** Enter the details and press ‘Save’ button to save the record. Before saving, make sure that all entries are correct. Because, it is ported on the website ( agmarknet.nic.in) immediately.
** To enter more data, press ‘Reset’ button and repeat Step 7.

Edit Data :
** To edit data or change the status of the existing application select “Edit Data” button in activity screen. (Figure – II).
** After pressing ‘Edit Data’ button, the screen will be displayed as follows
** Select the ‘State’ from the ‘Select Applicant’s State of Address’ dropdown. The Applicants List with their addresses for the selected state will be displayed as shown in Figure – IV.
** Click on the ‘Applicant Name’, the exiting details of the selected applicant will be displayed as follows
** Edit the necessary details and click ‘Update’ button (bottom of the screen) to save the changes.

View report
To check the status of the application in report form, select the activity from activity screen (Figure – II) and press ‘Report’ button. The report will be displayed as follows

Renewal Application
Before doing renewal of the application, you must insure that the application, which is to be renewed, has already been entered through ‘New Application’. If it is not entered, please enter it through ‘New Application’ option and then make the data entry for renewal of the application.

Commodity Grading Under Agmark :
** Click the “Commodity Grading under Agmark” button for grading data application.
** After clicking it, the screen will be displayed as figure XVIII. It has two options—
a. Data Input for Grading Data
b.Report for Grading Data

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