Central Bank of India : Apply For Micro Small & Medium Enterprises Loan

Organisation : Central Bank of India
Facility : Apply For Micro Small & Medium Enterprises Loan

Home Page : https://www.centralbankofindia.co.in/english/home.aspx
Apply here : https://www.centralbankofindia.co.in/en/MSME-BANKING

Apply For Micro Small & Medium Enterprises Loan :

** City Mse Center
** Name Of The Enterprise

Related : Central Bank of India Apply for Vehicle Loan : www.statusin.in/5471.html

** Regd. Office Address
** Address Of Factory / Shop
** Whether Belongs To Sc/St/Obc/ Minority Communities
** Telephone Nos. (Office/Mobile)
** Email Address
** Pan Card No.
** Constitution
** Date Of Establishment*
** Name Of Proprietor / Partners / Directors Of Company And Their Addresses :
** Activity Existing
# If a different activity other than the existing activity is proposed.
** Names Of Associate Concerns And Nature Of Association :
** Relationship of Proprietor/Partner/Director with the officials of the Bank/Director of the Bank

Related Post

Type of facilities :
** Limit (In lacs)
** Outstanding as on
** Presently banking with
** Security Lodged
** Rate of interest
** Repayment terms
If Banking with this Bank, customer No. be given here.
It is certified that our unit has not availed any loan from any other Bank/Financial Institution in the past and I am not indebted to any other Bank/Financial Institution other than those mentioned in 10(a) above.

** Type of facilities
** Amount (in lacs)
** Purpose for which required **

Security offered
** PRIMARY SECURITY (Details with approx. value to be mentioned)
** Whether Collateral Security offered (Please mention yes or no) (If yes, then provide details in column 12)

In case of term loan requirements, the details of machinery may be given as under :-
Type of Machine
** Purpose for which required
** Whether imported or indigenous
** Name of supplier
** Total cost of machine
** Contribution being made by the promoters
** Loan required

Declaration :
information furnished by me/us is true; that I/We have no borrowing arrangements for the unit except as indicated in the applications; that there is no overdue/statutory dues against me/us/promoters except as indicated in the application; that no legal action has been/is being taken against me/us/promoters; that I/We shall furnish all other information that may be required by you in connection with my/our application that this may also be exchanged by you with any agency you may deemed fit and you, your representatives, representatives of Reserve Bank of India or any other agency as authorized by you, may, at any time, inspect/verify my/our assets, books of account etc. in our factory/business premises as given above.

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