Puducherry Police : Domestic Help Verification Request

Organization : Puducherry Police
Service Name : Domestic Help Verification Request
Applicable UT: Puducherry

Website : http://citizenportal.police.py.gov.in/citizen/PuduContents/AboutDomesticHelpVerification.htm

Request For Domestic Help Verification :

** Request for Domestic Help Verification is among one of the citizen services provided by Puducherry Police under CCTNS Project.

Related : Puducherry Police NCC Non-Conviction Certificate Application : www.statusin.in/6468.html

** To avail the service, Citizen has to log in to the Portal. If the Citizen is new to the Portal he has to register with the Portal which is a one-time activity.
** After logging into the system, please update your profile immediately and upload Your photo, Identity Proof, Address Proof etc. for all services and for future references.
** While filling the request form, please fill at least all the mandatory fields (*) along with Personal details, address, contact number and purpose of applying the services properly.
** Before submitting the request, Please verify the same. Once you submit, the request will not be editable.
** Please get a system generated print copy after successfully submitting the request for future reference.
** If you are new to Citizen Portal, Register on the portal and use it.
** If you are an existing user to Citizen Portal, Logged in the portal and use it.

How to register domestic help verification request?:
** Click on Citizen Services- Domestic Help Verification- Add Domestic Help Verification Request link
** System will display the Domestic Help Request page
** Enter the personal information details under Domestic Help Information
** Select or Enter the correct information to be made
** Click on Submit

Related Post

About Citizen Portal:
The mission of the Puducherry police is to uphold the rule of law without fear or favour and to provide safety and security to the people without violating their Human Rights. The Police shall strive to maintain law and order and harmony in the society by performing duties in a non-partisan and unbiased manner and shall also focus on crime control in order to be able to instill confidence among the citizens.

FAQs :
How to Register Procession Request?
** Click on Citizen Services-Procession Request-Procession Request Registration link.
** System will display the Procession Request Registration page
** Enter the personal information under applicant details
** Select/Enter the correct information to be made
** Click on ‘Submit’ button to save the info

How will you a trace a complaint?
Click on the complaint tab Select the view complaint search status Select the complaint radio button Enter the complaint number Click on view status The status of the complaint will be displayed

How to register a Complaint
** Login to citizen portal with your login id and password
** Click on ‘Register New Complaint’ link
** System will display register new complaint page
** Browse within tabs to make or select entries
** Enter or Select the information to be provided
** Click on ‘Submit’ button to save the inform

How will you a trace a complaint
** Click on the complaint tab
** Select the view complaint search status
** Select the complaint radio button
** Enter the complaint number
** Click on view status
** The status of the complaint will be displayed

Contact Us:
We would like to make Policing more friendly. For your suggestions and feedback, please write to us at cctns_py [AT] ncrb.nic.in

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