HP GENPMIS Search & View Employee Annual Property Details Himachal Pradesh

Organization : Department of Personnel
Service Name : GENPMIS Search & View Employee Annual Property Details
Applicable State : Himachal Pradesh

Website : https://himachal.nic.in/en-IN/

Steps For Submitting Annual Property Return

Step- 1: Update Property Details on PMIS
a. The Employee has to login with his own Login ID and password for updating details.
b. After login the concerned employee has to click on the module : My Profile -> Update Property.
c. Select option as “View/Cancel Property or Add Property” as per the requirement.
d. How to Add Scanned signatures: Click on the module: My Profile-> Upload Signatures.

Related:  How to View Pension Statement Online in Himachal Pradesh : www.statusin.in/8242.html

Step- 2: Every Year, employee has to submit his Annual Property Return on PMIS
a. The Employee has to login with his own Login ID and password for updating details.
b. After login the concerned employee has to click on the module : My Profile-> Update Property.
c. Select option Submit Property Return. Click on the “Submit” button and your property details will be submitted for the selected year.

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d. SMS and e-Mails be generated and sent:-
1. e-Mail: On submission of APR, e-mail will be sent to concerned employee and concerned Establishment Office.
2. SMS: On submission of APR, SMS will be sent on mobile number of the concerned employee.
3. SMS Reminder: On end of every month, SMS reminder will be sent to all employees who have not submitted their APR for the Current Year.

Step-3. Clicking on the add property button : Following screen will be displayed
a. On clicking the Immovable(I) button we can fill the detail above the immovable properties like Lands , house , shop and other building detail etc .
b. On Clicking the Liquid Assests in add property the below screen will be displayed to filling up the liquid property statement
c. To filling up the movable property in add property click on movable button
d. We can provide our Provident fund and life insurance policy detail by clicking in the pi and life insurance button detail
e. Detail of debts and liabilities is provided as follows by clicking the On the last and debts and liabilities radio button.

Step-4: Property Details of an employee can be searched from the PMIS main page on clicking the “View Property Return” option. And we can view or cancel the different type of property by provided by the user on clicking the different type of button when view / cancel property button is clicked.

About Himachal Pradesh :
The earliest known inhabitants of the region were tribals called Dasas. Later, Aryans came and they assimilated in the tribes. In the later centuries, the hill chieftains accepted suzerainty of the Mauryan empire, the Kaushans, the Guptas and Kanuaj rulers.

During the Mughal period, the Rajas of the hill states made some mutually agreed arrangements which governed their relations. In the 19th century, Ranjit Singh annexed/subjugated many of the states.

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