blooddonors.gov.in Register For Blood & Eye Donation

Organisation : Blood Donors Directory
Facility : Register For Blood & Eye Donation

Home Page : http://www.blooddonors.gov.in/index.php
Register here : http://www.blooddonors.gov.in/donor.php

Register For Blood & Eye Donation :

Donor should be between 18-55 years of age with a weight of 50 kg or above with pulse rate, body temperature and blood pressure should be normal. Both men and women can donate.

Related : Donate Life India Get Donor Card For Registrion Of Organ Donate : www.statusin.in/1583.html

There are only few conditions in which donors are permanently excluded. The donor with history of epilepsy, psychotic disorders, abnormal bleeding tendencies, severe asthma, cardiovascular disorders, malignancy are permanently unfit for blood donation. Donors suffering from disease like hepatitis, malaria, measles, mumps, and syphilis may donate blood after full recovery with 3-6 months gap. Also people who have undergone surgery, blood transfusion may safely donate blood after 6-12 mths for woman donors who are pregnant or lactating blood is not taken as their iron reserves are already on the lower side.

Modern Blood Transfusion Practice :
Modern blood transfusion basically deals with the optimal use of one unit of blood. One unit of whole blood is separated into components making it available to different patients according to their requirement. Thus one unit of blood is converted into packed cell volume, fresh frozen plasma, platelet concentrate, cryoprecipitate and granulocytes concentrate. Another important practice is apheresis. This is separation of only desired component from the donor and return the remaining constituent back to donor. This technique is also used for remaining pathological substance in patients. Withdrawal of blood for transfusion is regarded as a safe procedure now and blood donor has emerged as the single most vital link.

Facts about Eye Donation
** Eyes can be donated only after death.
** Eyes must be removed within 4- 6 hours after death.
** Only a Registered Medical Practitioner can remove eyes from a deceased.
** The eye bank team will remove the eyes from the home of the deceased or from a hospital.
** Eye removal does not delay the funeral since the entire procedure takes 20-30 minutes only.
** A small quantity of blood will be drawn to rule out communicable diseases.
** Eye retrieval does not cause disfigurement.
** Religions are for eye donation
** The identities of both the donor and the recipient are kept confidential.

Important Points
To donate eyes, the relatives of the deceased should do the following procedures :
** Close the eyelids of the deceased.
** Switch off the fan.
** Raise the head of the deceased slightly by placing a pillow underneath.
** Contact the nearest eye bank as quickly as possible.
** Give the correct address with specific landmarks and telephone number to enable the eye bank team locate the place easily.
** If the death certificate from the physician is available, keep it ready.
** Eye donation can be done only with the written consent of the next of kin in the presence of two witness

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