Ministry Of Home Affairs MHA : Administration Division

Organisation : Ministry of Home Affairs
Facility : Administration Division

Home Page : http://www.mha.nic.in/divisions
Apply here : http://mha1.nic.in/idcard/Default.aspx

Administration Division :

Mandate of Administration Division
** Management of establishment of Ministry of Home Affairs (Proper) as well as Department of Official Language and Department of Justice.

Related : Ministry of Home Affairs FCRA Services : www.statusin.in/1777.html

Related Post

** Coordination of efforts in implementation of the RTI Act in MHA.
** National awards such as Bharat Ratna, Padma Awards (Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan and Padma Shri), Jeewan Raksha Padak and gallantry awards for civilians.
** Administration of acts and rules in connection with National Anthem, National Flag and the State Emblem of India.
** The Secretariat Security Organisation in the Division looks after Government Building Security, the receptions in Government buildings as well as issue of passes for regulation of entry into Government buildings.

Border Management Division
The Division deals with matters relating to coordination and concerted action by administrative, diplomatic, security, intelligence, legal, regulatory and economic agencies of the country for the management of international borders, creation of infrastructure like roads/fencing and floodlighting of borders, border areas development programme pilot project on Multi-purpose National Identity Card and Coastal Security.

Centre-State Division
The Division deals with Centre-State relations, including working of the constitutional provisions governing such relations, appointment of Governors, creation of new States, nominations to Rajya Sabha/Lok Sabha, Inter-State boundary disputes, over-seeing the crime situation in States, imposition of President’s Rule and work relating to Crime & Criminal Tracking Network System (CCTNS), etc.

Coordination Division
The Division deals with intra-Ministry coordination work,Parliamentary matters, public grievances (PGs), publication of Annual Report of the Ministry, Record Retention Schedule, Annual Action Plan of the Ministry, custody of classified and non-classified records of the Ministry, Internal Work Study, furnishing of various reports of SCs/STs and Persons with Disabilities, etc.

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