Maharashtra Eco Tourism Accommodation Online Booking

Organization : Maharashtra Eco Tourism
Service Name : Accommodation Online Booking
Applicable State : Maharashtra

Website : https://accommodation.mahaonline.gov.in/Home/Index.aspx#

Accommodation Online Booking :

Welcomes you to the land of eco-diversity. The diversity of climate and topography varying from arid desert and tropical rain forest to mountain range over 4000 feet in altitude is reflected in its rich flora and fauna.

Related : Maharashtra Eco Tourism Online Booking Cancellation : www.statusin.in/18036.html

The land of tigers, panthers, bison, deer and antelopes, wild boars, bears, blue bull, great Indian bustards has many challenges invariably pleasant. Traverse through the thick virgin rain forests to arid landscapes; enjoy the diversity of flora and fauna rarely encountered in such scale and magnificence

Accommodation Facilities :
Maharashtra Eco Tourism have the following Accommodation Facilities,
** Pench Tiger Reserve-Sillari
** Pench Tiger Reserve-Kolitmara
** Pench Tiger Reserve-Chorbauli
** UKWLS-Gothangaon
** Bor Complex
** Chikhaldara Rest House
** Kolkas Complex
** Kolkas Rest House
** Semadoh Complex

New User :
Please enter the following details for User Registration,
Registration Form :
Personal Details :
1. Enter User Id *
2. Select Salutation *
3. Enter First Name *
4. Enter Last Name *
5. Enter Date Of Birth *

6. Select Gender *
7. Enter Residential Details
8. Enter Address Line 1 *
9. Enter Address Line 3
10. Select State *

11. Enter PIN/Zip *
12. Enter Fax No
13. Select Nationality *
14. Enter Identity Number *
15. Enter Address Line 2

16. Select City *
17. Select Country *
18. Enter Phone No *
19. Enter E-mail id *
20. Select Identity Type *
21. Please Type Code Shown below
22. Click on the Submit Button
Note : * Fields are mandatory

Forgot Password :
1. Please Enter Your User Name
2. Click on the Submit button to Retrieve your Password.

MahaOnline :
MahaOnline (‘MOL’) is a joint venture of Government of Maharashtra and leading IT services, business solutions and outsourcing firm Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) established since March 2010.

MahaOnline is facilitating the digitization and strengthening the penetration of Information Technology in various departments of Maharashtra government. MahaOnline has put sincere efforts to provide hassle free services to citizens and various government departments throughout the state .free services to the citizens throughout the state, at their doorstep.

MahaOnline SMS Gateway :
Fastest mode to quickly spread useful information Easy to reach common people without any hesitation.  The SMS Gateway is being used by the Government departments and agencies to send SMS notifications or updates to citizens and businesses.

For availing this service, the department / agency needs to have an account with MahaOnline Mobile Seva. This service is available only to government departments and agencies in the state of Maharashtra.

At present, departments such as Sugar Commissionerate, Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection, Public Health, Primary Health Centre Program, School Health Program, Water Tracking Tracker System are using SMS Gateway.

For Support :
Phone Number: 022 61316406
Email Id: support [AT] mahaonline.gov.in
Complaint Registration:- suvidha.mahaonline.gov.in

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