Haryana Labour Online Factories Registration/Licensing/Renewal

Organization : Labour Department Haryana
Service Name : Online Factories Registration/Licensing/Renewal
Applicable State : Haryana
Website : https://hrylabour.gov.in/
Apply Here : https://hrylabour.gov.in/factory/factory/factory_terms

Online Factories Registration

Please, read these guidelines carefully before applying for Registration/License/Renewal of factory in online mode. After reading these guidelines you shall come to know about the procedure, numbers and kind of documents to be submitted by uploading their scanned copies.

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Kindly ensure that the information already filled in Basic Information Performa (B.I.P.) is updated till today, particularly the information under the serial no. 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26 of BIP. The information once filled in BIP is used elsewhere also in factory license application.

If information under above said serial numbers is not updated it may becomes observation on your factory license application and may delay the issuance/grant of license.

Information regarding Online Registration/licensing/Renewal of factories under the Factories Act, 1948 and the Punjab Factory Rules, 1952:
1. When you are applying for Factory License for the first time in online mode certain questions in yes/no options are asked to minimize the data input from you. Kindly chose the option carefully. For example, it is asked “Have you earlier applied for factory license in form no 2 to this Office” and further asks if the factory is licensed or not etc.

If as per answers of the these question factory is found already licensed than data would be asked for only onward year (s) from the year of validity of factory license i.e. no data in respect of old years would be asked form the licensed factories. Otherwise also the factories are required to give the data of old year staring from the setting up year ( as mentioned in sr no 4 of BIP) only for once.

2. The procedure for online application for Registration/License/Renewal is in five steps,

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I) Forwarding letter:
You may state your contentions by writing in text area or uploaded already prepared documents.

II) Application in Form No. 2:
The online application in form no 2 is submitted, it uses all the data already filled in BIP wherever required.

III) Automatic fee calculation, information of already fee payments:
** The amount of license fee is dependent upon the three variables i.e. maximum number of workers employed, amount of power installed and number of workers employed on dangerous operations. Therefore,you are required to provided information on three parameters year wise.

** The above data from already licensed factories is asked only for the onward year (s) form the validity year of license, but for others data would be asked form the year of setting up ( as filled in sr. no 4 of BIP)
** You shall have to keep handy the scanned copies of all the Treasury Challan to upload as the proof of fee payment for the period as explained in the just above paragraph.

** Depending upon the furnishing of information about the already fee paid and calculating the fee from the schedule, the system would make you known about the balance of fee, if any, which you is requited to be paid after uploading the documents in next step.

IV) Documents Required:
Documents to be attached/enclosed in addition to copy of Treasury Challans The scanned copy of the documents should be legible and size of the document not to be more than 2 MB
a) Old/latest factory license, if granted.
b) Copy of factory building plans approval letter, if required as per procedure, ( Note: the blue prints of drawing are not required but only the forwarding letter on the approved drawings)
c) List of director/ partners
d) AOA/MOA/Partnership Deed, only relevant pages may be uploaded.
e) Board resolution authoring the Occupier,
f) Sanctioned load from HVPNL

In subsequent year upload the documents only which have under gone any change. For example if the factory building plans are not amended, renewed etc than no need to upload again it and system will show the earlier copy.

Categories: Haryana
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