Indian Nursing Council Know Your Feecode

Organisation : Indian Nursing Council
Facility : Know Your Feecode

Know Your Feecode here : https://www.indiannursingcouncil.org/
Home Page : https://www.indiannursingcouncil.org/

Know Your Feecode :

One Feecode will have only One Username for all its Nursing Programs. Use same username for feeding the details of all programs..

Related : Indian Nursing Council Teaching Faculty Management System : www.statusin.in/8889.html

Send your queries to webmaster AT indiannursingcouncil.org. Please mention your FEE CODE in subject line.


Que. A frequent question that is often been asked by the Managements of Nursing Institutions controlled by Trusts, is as to what would constitute a “ Parent Hospital” and the conditions under which such Hospital would be treated as ‘ Parent Hospital’ for the purpose of grant of suitability /permission.

The Nursing Council hereby clarifies the issue as under;
** For a Nursing Institution [ Managed by a Trust] a ‘ Parent Hospital’ would be a Hospital either owned and controlled by the Trust or Managed and controlled by a Member of the Trust.

** In case the owner of the Hospital is a member of the Trust then in that event an undertaking has to be taken from the member of the Trust that the Hospital would continue to function as a ‘ Parent Hospital’ till the life of the Nursing Institution.

The Undertaking would also be to the effect that the Member of the Trust would not allow the Hospital to be treated as a ‘ Parent/ Affiliated Hospital’ to any other Nursing Institution. The required Performa of the Undertaking to be submitted from the Member of the Trust.

** It is to be noted that once a particular Hospital is shown as ‘ Parent Hospital’ and permission given to the Nursing Institution to conduct nursing courses, then in that event the Permission /Suitability granted would last as long as the said Hospital is attached as a “ Parent Hospital”.

** In case the member of the Trust withdraws the Undertaking, given then in that event the permission /suitability letter issued would lapse / stand withdrawn immediately.

Related Post

** In the above event of lapse/ withdrawal of the permission /suitability letter by INC, the Trust has to once again submit a fresh proposal as if it is a fresh nurisng institution.

Que. What if the institution is not recognised?
Ans. If the Institution is not recognised or not found suitable by the INC then the candidate passing out from that institution will not be able to work out side that State.

Que. Whether any institution can get permanent recognition?
Ans. No institution is granted permanent recognition.

Que. What is the student patient ratio?
Ans. 1:3 is the student patient ratio during clinical practice.

Que. Whether all Nursing programmes can be in same campus?

Ans. Yes, different Nursing Programme of the same trust i.e. ANM, GNM, B.Sc., P.B.B.Sc., M.Sc. can be in same campus. [Resolution number 5 circular dated 10th February 2009 & Resolution number 22 dated 3rd January 2012]

Que. Whether same Nursing programmes can be in the same campus?
Ans. No same Nursing programmes can be in the same campus of the same trust or of different trust i.e., No trust can have same Nursing programme in the same city/town or in same campus.

Que. Can an Institute have same name of different trust?

Ans. No two Institutes can have same name in same city/town.

Que. Whether Teachers can change Institution very frequently?

Ans. Teachers who are moving from one Institution to another very frequently need to inform the State Nursing Council. Further, if they move from one State to State, they need to delete their names from the previous State Nursing Council & register in the State Nursing Council where they are working.

Que. Own Building?
Ans. Institution shall have its own building within two years of establishment i.e., from the day of recognition from Indian Nursing Council. Otherwise penalty will be imposed [Resolution Number File No.1-5(GB)Cir/2011].

Que. Leased Building?
Ans. Lease Building only from the State Authority will be considered as leased which generally is of the period 99 years lease.
Institute taking the lease from the trust/trustee will not be considered as lease, instead it will be considered as rented.

Que. Ad-hoc inspector TA & DA?

Ans. TA & DA of ad-hoc inspectors are borne by Indian Nursing Council including the hotel stay.

Que. First inspection & Enhancement of Seats?

Ans. Institute shall submit application form, fees and documents as per application form & guidelines pertaining to that particulars year as per the calendar of

Que. Re-inspection?

Ans. Institute shall submit compliance report with documents and re-inspection fees. On receipt of above inspection will be conducted within 3 months.

Que. Renewal/Validity i.e. permission for the requisite academic year?
Ans. Institute shall submit application form & affidavit through respective State Nursing Council every year to get the permission for the said academic year. No retrospective permission will be granted. From 2014-2015, On line registration also will be mandatory, otherwise institute name will not appear on the website.

Que. Yearly/Periodic inspection?
Ans. Indian Nursing Council can conduct inspection any of nursing institution for any programme any time. If the institute refuses to get conducted the inspection, INC is liable to declare it Unsuitable. Any running institute can not refuse the inspection.

Que. Surprise Inspection?

Ans. Institutes which are recognised are also liable for surprise inspections.

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