Punjab PGRAMS Public Grievances Redress & Monitoring System

Organization : Government of Punjab
Service Name : PGRAMS Public Grievances Redress & Monitoring System
Applicable State: Punjab

Website : https://connect.punjab.gov.in/service/grievance/gr1

Lodge Grievance :

1. Where can I lodge my grievance?
One can lodge his grievance on the following website portals
a) URL publicgrievancepb.gov.in
b) URL shikayatnivaranpb.gov.in

2. How to lodge fresh grievance?:
For lodging fresh grievance, citizen has to use option “Lodge Grievance”.

3. How can one enter the grievance in Punjabi?:
For entering the information in Punjabi, Citizen has to configure Unicode Punjabi Keyboard available in windows. (In case of any problem, local system administrator may be consulted.)

Steps for Windows-7:
1. Go to Control panel->Select Region and Language->Click Keyboards and Languages->Click Change Keyboard->Under General click Add->Choose the language to add the local language, in this case Punjabi and click Keyboard an d select Punjabi

Steps for Windows-XP:
1. Go to Control panel->Select Regional and Language options->Click on languages tab-> Put a check mark for “Install files for complex script and right-to-left languages (including Thai)”. Restart computer for the complex language support to start working.

Click on the “Details” button under “Languages” tab of “Regional and Language Options” to get “Text Services and Input Languages” option. Click on “Add” button to get ” Add Input Language” option.

4. How can one make the contents of grievance submitted on the portal confidential?:
One can make the contents of grievance submitted on the portal confidential by providing the password at the time of saving and submitting the grievance.

5. How can one send reminder/clarification?:
One has to use option “Lodge Reminder/Clarification” for sending reminder/clarifications.

6. How to view the status of grievance?:
To view Status of grievance, use option “View Action Status”(Computer Grievance number provided at the time of lodging a grievance) has to be provided.

7. Can one attach the supporting document with his grievance?:
Yes, one can upload a single file of maximum size of 1 MB (.pdf or .jpg) while lodging the grievance. It can contain more than one document but the size should be within 1 MB limit.

8. How to get the acknowledgement for the grievance?:
Once the grievance is accepted, the acknowledgement will be available under view status option.

9. How to get the final reply?:
When the grievance is disposed of, the final reply will be available under view status option.

Please ensure that file attached along with the grievance is virus free, otherwise you will not able to upload the grievance.

Lodge Grievance :
Grievance Registration Form :
Entries Prefixed with * are Mandatory!
1. * Select Office to which the grievance pertains
2. * Enter Name
3. * Select Gender Male or Female or Others(If not an Individual)Transgender
4. * Select Complainant Category
5. Select Do You want a Password for this Grievance? Yes No

Address of correspondence :
6. * Enter Address
7. Enter Pincode
8. * Select Country
9. * Select State / UT
10. * Select District
11. Enter Phone No.
12. Enter E-Mail Id.
13. * Please Enter Specific Details about Your Grievance here (4000 Characters Left)
14. Enter Relief/Claim Sought (optional)(1000 Characters Left)
15. Upload(Relevant Document) only(.pdf) upto 1MB

16. Select Have you earlier lodged the grievance to the above Department on the same subject ? Yes No
17. * Enter Mobile No.
18. * Enter Security Code as Shown

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