Odisha Treasury Pensioners’ Details Online Search

Organization : Directorate of Treasuries & Inspection
Service Name : Search Pensioners’ Details Online
Applicable State: Odisha
Search Pensioners’ Here : https://www.odishatreasury.gov.in/portal/
Pensioners’ Bill Details : https://www.odishatreasury.gov.in/portal/

Pensioners’ Details

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Pension Rules:
1. The Head of office shall supply prescribed application form for pension to the pensioner. There is no prescribed fee for obtaining the Provident Fund application form as well as pension forms.

2. Every Head of office shall have a list prepared every six months of all government servants working under him who are to retire within the next 24 to 30 months (Rule 57 (1) of Odisha Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1992). Accordingly required number of pension forms are requisitioned well in advance.

3. Head of office shall verify the service of Government servant 5 years before the date of retirement or after 25 years service which is earlier as per Finance Department Office Memorandum No 5731/F dated 15.02.1997.
4. Head of office shall undertake the work of preparation of pension papers 2 years before the date of retirement of Government servant as per sub-rule (1) of rule 58 of Odisha Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1992.

5. Head of office shall be responsible for obtaining the particulars from Government servant at least one year before the retirement and complete processing of pension papers not later than 8 months in advance of the date of retirement. (Sub-rule (2) of Rule 58 of Odisha Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1992).

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6. Where the Head of office is not the Appointing Authority, the pension papers shall be transmitted to the Appointing Authority/ Pension Sanctioning Authority one year before the date of retirement (Sub-rule (3) of rule 58 of Odisha Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1992).

7. Appointing Authority shall sanction the pension and intimate the same to the AG (A&E), Odisha not later than 4 months before the date of retirement of Government servant (Rule 62 (2) of Odisha Civil Services (Pension) Rules 1992).
8. AG (A&E), Odisha shall issue the Pension payment order (P.P.O)/ Gratuity payment order (G.P.O) not later than one month in advance of the date of retirement. (Rule 64 (1) of the Odisha Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1992).

9. Family Pension will be sanctioned by the Pension Sanctioning Authority/ Appointing Authority within one month from the date of death of the Government Servant (Rule 73 (1) of Odisha Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1992).
10. The officer held responsible for making inordinate delay in finalizing pension or family pension is liable for disciplinary action as per the provision laid down in Rules 62 (2) (ii) of Odisha Civil Services (Pension) Rule, 1992.

11. In pursuance of the direction of the Hon’ble High Court in O.J.C No-6886 of 1999 PG & PA Department issued a circular in Memo No-7029 dated 30.12.99 with an instruction to recover interest @ 18% per annum from the person/ persons responsible for delay in payment of pension.

12. When it is not possible to forward the pension papers to AG (A&E), Odisha due to unavoidable circumstances, Pension Sanctioning Authority can release provisional pension suo motu in spite of pendency of Judicial or disciplinary proceeding against the Government servant. (As per Rule 65 of Odisha Civil Services (Pension) Rules 1992) (Read with PG & PA Department circular Memo No-4728 dated 01.03.2001).

13. Disciplinary proceedings initiated against a Government servant is to be concluded in time as per G.A Department Resolution No-7361 dated 25.03.98 and same should not linger for years together after retirement.

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