Coconut Development Board Scaling up of Replanting & Rejuvenation Scheme

Organisation : Coconut Development Board (CDB)
Facility : Scaling up of Replanting and Rejuvenation Scheme (S-R&R)

Scheme Page : https://www.coconutboard.gov.in/
Website : http://www.coconutboard.gov.in/

Scaling up of Replanting & Rejuvenation Scheme

The prevalence of old and senile palms, poor genetic base of the planting material under cultivation, over populated stands of both coconut and other trees in the homestead, poor management attention given to the crop and severe incidence of pest and diseases are the major reasons for the low productivity.

Related : PMKSY Prime Minister Krishi Sinchayee Yojana : www.statusin.in/18917.html

One of the strategies to vitalize the coconut industry is to improve the general agricultural base with large scale rejuvenation of the coconut gardens.

Hence this project is for improving productivity through a programme of cutting and removing the old, senile, unproductive and disease advanced palm population, replanting with quality seedlings and rejuvenation of the existing gardens through an integrated package of practices.

Major components of the programme and the rate of assistance
**  Cutting and removal of old, senile, unproductive and disease advanced palms with a compensation of Rs.13000/- per palm (i.e. for the first 20 palms @ Rs.500/- and the remaining palms @ Rs.250/- limited to 12 palms per ha).

** Rejuvenation of existing gardens through integrated management practices @ Rs.15000/ha for 2 years @ Rs.7500/- per ha.
** Assistance for replanting @ Rs.20 per seedling.
** Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation, Training etc.

Cutting and Removal :
Cutting and removal of all old, senile, unproductive and disease advanced palms.

A subsidy @ Rs.500 per palm for the first 20 palms, Rs.250 per palm for subsequently removed palms, subject to a maximum of Rs.13,000/ha shall be provided to the farmers for cutting and removal of old, sanile, unproductive and disease advanced palms.

The cutting and removal of disease affected palms in the eleven districts of Kerala .

Rejuvenation :
Rejuvenation of the existing coconut palms by Integrated Management

Integrated management practices involving the following are essential:
** Balanced nutrition through fertilizer application
** Irrigation and drainage
** Soil and moisture conservation
** Growing of green manure cover crops
** Application of organic manure including enriched organics
** Intercultural operation including weed control
** Need based plant protection measures preferably with botanicals and bio-agents
** Regulation of shade and maintaining optimum palm population and
** Promotion of inter / mixed cropping.

For adoption of Integrated management practices a subsidy of Rs.15000/ha will be provided in two installments of Rs.7500/- each. The eligibility for availing assistance under this component is a maximum 4 ha per beneficiary.

Assistance for Replanting :
Cutting and removal of advanced disease affected and senile palms will be followed by a systematic replanting programme, which is aimed at 50% replantation to maintain optimum and sustainable density. A subsidy @ Rs.20/- per seedling will be provided.

Implementation of the Project :
The project will be implemented by the Board in association with the concerned Department of Agriculture

Eligibility criteria for cutting and removal :
Activities eligible for subsidy :
** Cutting and removal of old, unproductive, diseased and senile coconut palms and field sanitation.
** Replanting with disease tolerant talls, hybrids and dwarf cultivars to maintain optimum palm population viz. 160-175 palms/ha.
** Rejuvenation of the coconut gardens by adopting integrated management practices as recommended by CPCRI or SAU’s

Eligibility Criteria :

** All farmers in contiguous areas in CPS/ ward/Panchayat shall be eligible for assistance.
** The cluster formed at ward level shall be transformed to coconut producer society with the existing byelaws and shall be registered with the Coconut Development Board.
** Applicant should be the owner cultivator of the land
Assistance under the scheme will be limited to 4 ha per farmer.

Conditions to be satisfied by applicants for cutting and Replanting
The palms identified for cutting and removal in the cluster should be yielding less than 10 nuts / year.
** The palms to be cut and removed should be clearly marked.
** The palms identified by the CPS for removal will be approved by the local Agriculture Officer.
** Cutting and removal of the palm identified should be completed within 3 months of the approval. The time limit can be relaxed by the State Government if there is sufficient justification to be communicated to the DO.

The applicant should use only quality coconut seedlings for replanting. The seedlings should be procured from nurseries of State Department of Agriculture/ Horticulture or State Agricultural Universities/ CDB/ CPCRI or private nurseries assisted by CDB/ State Dept.

** While replanting the palm population should not exceed 175/ha subject to the limitation of topography.
** Replacement planting/replanting in all cases should be completed within 12 months of the uprooting.
** Prior to commencement of replanting the soil/pits should be made suitable for replanting.
Soil testing should be carried out through recognized soil testing labs.

Conditions to be followed for Rejuvenation:
** The proposed garden for rejuvenation should not be an abandoned garden (or) should not belong to an absentee land lord.
** The existing palms in the garden should be potentially healthy for being rejuvenated.
** The area to be rejuvenated will be surveyed and all the basic data of the garden/farmer will be recorded.
** Farmers in the CPS will be linked to credit institutions for availing credit facilities.

Categories: National
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