e-Blood Bank Blood Stock Availability, Status of Issued Blood / e-Camp Registration : NHM Odisha

Organisation : e-Blood Bank NHM Odisha
Facility : Blood Stock Availability Status of Issued Blood / e-Camp Registration
Applicable State : Odisha
Blood Stock Availability here : http://ebloodbank.nhmodisha.in/index.php?cp=4e44f1ac85cd60e3caa56bfd4afb675e#
Website : http://ebloodbank.nhmodisha.in/

Status of Issued Blood :

Enter your blood bag number to get Status

Related : How to apply for Birth Certificate Odisha? : www.statusin.in/4227.html

Status of e-Camp Registration :
Enter your e-Camp Registraion Number to get Status

Blood Stock Availability :
Get the complete blood stocks on each blood group of each blood bank in district-wise of the State. The blood bank details with blood stocks on each blood group will be displayed on search results. Here’s where you can find out exactly how much blood we’ve got in our blood banks at the moment.

About e-Blood Bank :
Blood donation and transfusion service is an indispensable part of contemporary medicine and health care. Blood management has been recognized as a challenging task because of life threatening nature of blood products entails the punctilious administration due to its perishable nature & required timely processing and it also saves the life.

Such great challenge has been considerably alleviated with the development of information and computer technology. e-Blood Bank is an integrated blood bank automation system. This web based mechanism inter connects all the Blood Banks of the State into a single network.

Integrated Blood Bank MIS refers the acquisition, validation, storage and circulation of various live data and information electronically regarding blood donation and transfusion service.

Such system is able to assemble heterogeneous data into legible reports to support decision making from effective donor screening to optimal blood dissemination in the field.

Those electronic processes will help the public for easy access to the blood availability status of blood banks on finger tips; so that he can place a requisition of a particular blood group in nearby blood bank (Especially rare groups) save a valuable life.

FAQs :
Why should I donate blood?
** Because some patient needs it!
** Because you won’t lose anything!
** Because you are the only source of it!
** Because you are healthy!
** Because you care for others!

Who can give blood?
Anyone between 18 and 60 years of age and in normal health having a body weight of 45 kg. or more and a hemoglobin content no less than 12.5 gms/hundred ml can be a donor.

What physical tests are performed before blood donation?
Weighing Hb estimation (copper sulphate solution method) Measurement of blood pressure Checking heart beats, condition of liver, lung and spleen.

What laboratory tests are performed in blood bank for each bag of collected blood?
Jaundice (Hepatitis B & C). Malaria . HIV (AIDS) test . Venereal disease (STD) . Blood Group . Before issuing blood, compatibility tests (cross matching) are done.

Why the above laboratory tests are not performed before donation?
They are time consuming tests, and if performed in camp before donation, there will be excessive delay in disposal of donors, and the disgusted donors may leave the camps and refrain from donating blood for ever. Besides, post donation tests are mandatory.

Categories: Odisha
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