WAMIS Works & Accounting Management Information System Odisha

Organisation : Government of Orissa
Facility : Works & Accounting Management Information System (WAMIS)

WAMIS Services here : https://odisha.gov.in/
Website : https://odisha.gov.in/

WAMIS Odisha

The Accounts Management System is developed by Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC) for the Rural Development Department (RD), Government of Orissa.

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The system is developed with the aim of computerizing all the activities related to RD Department across the Orissa State. It is a very comprehensive application deployed at centralized location and addresses all the activities carried out by RD Accounts Section at the Divisional Offices.

The system is interlinked with the other modules like Establishment, Works Management and Budget for extracting and producing the data. The system has ‘Graphical User Interface’ which facilitates easy operations.

The system authenticates the user and after successful authentication an interface is shown with navigation options on left hand side. The interface has links for navigation through records and screens, buttons to save/update/delete the records, shortcut keys for buttons, help-text for icons, context sensitive help for all the screens.

Appropriate messages for errors, successful operations and failed operations are displayed. Guidelines are given at appropriate stages. Selection lists are provided wherever appropriate to reduce typographical errors. And it is consistent with the standard user interface.

Objective :
It facilitates RD, Orissa divisional offices to enter the different transactions and generate the cashbook and relevant schedules along with the Monthly Account.

Functionalities :
** Login
** Add, Edit, Delete Master data for Accounts.
** Add, Edit, Delete Opening Balances for the various Accounts Schedules.
** Add, Edit various transactions for Vouchers, Cash Receipts, Cash Transfer, Cash from Treasury, Transfer Entry Orders and Temporary Advances
** Show, Export functionalities for various Accounts Schedules.

Login :
Logon with login credentials provided for the concerned users for each office. The link provided to each department for WAMIS acts as the entry point for the Accounts Management System.

Accounts Date Selection

To start using the application the user has to first select the period from which the voucher entries are to be done. This is one time selection by the user; the account period is changed to next month or previous month through “Close” or “Revoke” account respectively.

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If divisional office is entering the data for the first time in the system, the accounts date has to be set for the office. To set the Accounts Date for the office click on the link Accounts -> Application -> Accounts Date Selection in Application section.

Account Close/Revoke :
By selecting Accounts -> Application -> Close Account, “Account Close/Revoke” screen is displayed

To close the account of particular month, select “Close” option and click on ‘Submit’ button. If account is successfully closed the message ‘Account Closed Successfully’ is displayed else error messages are shown.

When account is closed, all the closing balances are calculated according the current opening balances, credits and debits during the month and get forwarded as opening balances for the next month.

Also, the related data is populated for the next month. Closing of account of particular month disables the entry for that month and enables the entry for the next month. Therefore, closing of the account must be done after all the data entry is done correctly.

At the time of closing of the ‘March’ month account, the user is given a choice to whether to generate the supplementary account or not.

If, the user chooses to generate the supplementary account then all the closing balances will be carried as opening balances for the supplementary month and at the time of closing of the supplementary month the opening balances for the month of ‘April’ will be calculated.

To revoke the account to the previous month, select “Revoke” option and click on ‘Submit’ button. If account is successfully revoked the message ‘Account Revoked successfully’ is displayed else error messages are shown.

When account is revoked in particular month, it disables the entry for that month and enables the entry for the previous month. Whenever account is revoked and then closed again, all the closing balances are recalculated and updated for the next month.

Features of WAMIS Odisha

WAMIS Odisha includes a number of features, such as:

** Project planning and management: WAMIS Odisha can be used to plan and manage projects from start to finish.
** Budgeting and financial management: WAMIS Odisha can be used to track budgets and finances for projects.
** Procurement and contract management: WAMIS Odisha can be used to manage procurement and contract processes for projects.
** Quality assurance and control: WAMIS Odisha can be used to track quality assurance and control processes for projects.
** Reporting and analytics: WAMIS Odisha can be used to generate reports and analytics on project data.

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