PUCHD UG Exam Online Re-Evaluation System : Panjab University

Organization : Panjab University
Service Name : Online Re-Evaluation System

Website :http://ugexam.puchd.ac.in/Reevaluation/Login.aspx

Online Reevaluation System :

There is no need to submit/send any form or fee challan or any document to the university.Only DMC need to be submitted in case of revision of result.

Related / Similar Facility : Panjab University Online Payment Portal

Important Steps To Apply For Re-Evaluation:
To apply for Re-Evaluation:
** Go to Re-Evaluation section and Click on Login
** Enter your Login Details and click on Login In button.
** Read the Instructions carefully and Click on “Apply New Case”.
** Check Your Email and Phone Number Carefully to get status of your fee status.
** Select the subject for which you want to apply Re-Evaluation and click “CALCULATE AND CONTINUE”.
** Verify Number of subjects and fess accordingly. If they are correct, then Select Payment Method.
** Read Declaration Carefully and Check the box, if you agree. Click On Submit button and you will get a “Challan” for your selected payment method.
** Go to Bank and pay for it. You will get SMS or Email for your fees verification within next 24 hours.

Steps for Re-printing of challan:
** Go to Re-Evaluation section and Click on Login
** Enter your Login Details and click on Login In button.
** Click on “Re-print Challan”.
** Select the case for which you want to Re-print challan.
** Verify Amount and Select Payment Method.
** Click on “Print Challan” button.

Steps for Fees Verification:
** Go to Re-Evaluation section and Click on Login
** Enter your Login Details and click on Login In button.
** Click on “Check Fees Status”.
** Select Case for which you want to verify your Fee Status.
** It will automatically show your fees status.

Steps to cancel Re-Evaluation for one or more subjects, or change of subject(s):
** To make any changes, please visit Re-evaluation Branch.

Re-evaluation Branch (1st Floor),
Aruna Ranjit Chandra Hall (Near Post Office),
Panjab University, Chandigarh

You can make changes only before payment in Bank . If once fees paid, you can not change your form.

Important Note:
** DMC and other document are need not be uploaded.
** DMC will be submitted in case of revision of result.

About Us :
The University has been incorporated for the purpose, among others, of making provision for imparting education in Arts, Letters, Science and the learned professions and of furthering advancement of learning, the prosecution of original research, with power to appoint University Professors, Readers and Lecturers, to hold and manage educational endowments, to erect, equip and maintain University colleges, libraries, laboratories and museums, to making regulations relating to the residence and conduct of students and to do all such acts as tend to promote study and research”.

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