KSP Track Your GSC Number : Karnataka State Police

Organization : Karnataka State Police
Facility : Track your GSC Number

Track Here : http://ksp.gov.in/home/gsctrack.php
Home Page : http://www.ksp.gov.in/home/index.php

How To Track Your GSC Number?

To track GSC Number, Follow the below steps
** Enter the GSC number
** Click GO Button

Related / Similar Facility : KSP NOC Certificate For Passport Verification

** The Director General and Inspector General of Police is the head of the police department in the state.
** Under him there are Additional Directors General of Police.
** Each of the Additional Directors General of Police is in charge of a particular function like Law and Order, Crime and Technical Services, Administration, Intelligence, Karnataka State Reserve Police, Recruitment and Training, Directorate of Civil Rights Enforcement.
** There are 4 Commissionarates.
** The Commissioner, Bangalore City, is of the rank of Additional Director General of Police, whereas Commissioners Hubli-Dharwar and Mysore City are of the rank of Inspector General of Police and Commissioner, Mangalore City is of the rank of Deputy Inspector General of Police.
** Below the Additional Directors General of Police there are Inspectors General of Police.
** Six Inspectors General of Police are in charge of Ranges, besides a number of Inspectors General of Police are in charge of specific functions.
** Each Range comprises 3-6 districts. Each district is headed by an officer of the rank of Superintendent of Police.
** The Police Stations are the lowest functional units of the police department.
** There are at present 906 Police Stations 230 Circle Offices, 91 SDPOs and 31 DPOs (including Railway Police).
** The Police Stations are headed by Inspectors in towns and cities.
** In these Police Stations there are 2-4 Sub Inspectors, besides a number of Assistant Sub- Inspectors, Head Constables and Police Constables.
** In rural areas the Police Stations are headed by either a single Sub- Inspector or two Sub- Inspectors looking after Law and Order and Crime according to the importance of the police station.
** The rural Police Stations are grouped into circles and these circles come under a Sub-Division.
** Sub-Divisions are headed by Deputy Superintendents of Police and Circles by Police Inspectors.

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About Us :
We, the members of Karnataka Police, shall uphold the Law and the Rights of all people for a safe and secure environment,;conducive to their internal and;external growth and development. Towards this end, we set for ourselves the following objectives.

Protect the lives and liberties of the people from criminal and anti- social elements. Earn the good will, support and active assistance of the community. Co-ordinate with other departments of Criminal Justice System.

Equal treatment regardless of caste, religion, social and economic status or political affiliations. Due consideration for women, children, senior citizens and weaker sections. Improve professional knowledge, skills and attitudes and adopt modern methods in police work.

Contact us :
Karnataka State Police
Bangalore – 560001
Call 100

Functions of Karnataka State Police

The functions of Karnataka State Police include:
** Maintaining law and order
** Investigating crimes
** Arresting criminals
** Providing security to public figures and events
** Enforcing traffic laws
** Controlling riots and disturbances
** Disaster management

Categories: Karnataka
Tags: ksp.gov.in
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