infokerala.org Registration Of Birth & Death : Information Kerala Mission

Organization :Information Kerala Mission
Facility :Registration Of Births & Deaths

Home Page : http://www.infokerala.org/
Download here :
Birth http://www.cr.lsgkerala.gov.in/Docs/Form%20No.1%20Birth%20Report.pdf
Death : http://www.cr.lsgkerala.gov.in/Docs/Form%20No.2%20Death%20Report.pdf

Registration of Births & Deaths

** This site provides details of all births, deaths and marriages electronically registered in Local Governments (Registration units) where SEVANA application software of Information Kerala Mission is being used uninterruptedly for registering these events.

Related : Information Kerala Mission Registration of Marriage : www.statusin.in/1923.html

** Details of births, deaths and marriages that are registered and recorded in writing will not be available in this site unless that are digitised and ported in the electronic register after verification of the officials.
** For any corrections in the entries of the electronic register, please contact the Registrar of the respective Registration unit (Local Government).
** Online Birth and Death certificates are permitted as valid document for all official purposes as per G.O.(Ms) No.202/2012/LSGD dated 25/07/2012. More..
** The marriage certificate having barcode and photograph downloaded from the website shall be a recognized document as per G.O.(P) 6/2013/Law Dated 09/10/2013. More..

Related Post

Registration Of Births & Deaths Under Registration Of Births & Deaths Act, 1969 And Kerala Registration Of Births And Deaths Rules, 1999
Fees Chargeable For Various Services
Transaction Fees

** Registration of events reported to the Registrar within 21 days from the Date of Occurrence of that event NIL
** Registration of events reported to the Registrar after 21 days but within 30 days from the Date of Occurrence of that event ` 2
** Registration of events reported to the Registrar after 30 days but within one year from the Date of Occurrence of that event ` 5
** Registration of events that are not registered within one year from the Date of Occurrence of that event ` 10
** Name inclusion of the Child in the Birth Register after 12 months from the Date of Registration of birth (without recording child’s name) ` 5
** Search for a single entry in the first year for the search is made ` 2
** For every additional year for which the search is continued ` 2
** For granting extract relating to each birth or death under Section 17 of the RBD Act,1969 ` 5
** For granting non-availability certificate of birth or death ` 2

Issue of Birth & Death Certificates

** Section 12 of the RBD Act clearly prov ides that the Registrar should, “as soon as the registration of birth and deat h has been completed, give free of charge, to the person who gives inform
** issued in the Form No. 5 and 6 respec tively. The Registrar should not only
** issue the first copy of the birth or death certificate free of charge but also
** should do so ‘as soon as’ the registra tion is completed. The Registrar /Sub- registrar has to himself si gn the certificate and can authorize no other person to do so on her/his behalf. If the repo rt on the birth and death event has been received through the notified official,
** the certificate can be handed over to him/her onward transmission to the reporting household.

Functions of Information Kerala Mission

The Information Kerala Mission (IKM) is a government agency in Kerala, India, that was established in 1999. The mission’s goal is to use information technology to improve the quality of life of the people of Kerala.

IKM has a wide range of functions, including:
** Computerization and networking of local self-government institutions
** Provision of e-governance services to citizens
** Promotion of e-learning and e-commerce
** Development of IT-enabled solutions for social development
** Capacity building of government officials and citizens in the use of IT.

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