Information Kerala Mission : Registration of Marriage

Organization :Information Kerala Mission
Facility : Registration of Marriages

Home Page : http://www.infokerala.org/
Register here :http://www.cr.lsgkerala.gov.in/Docs/FORM%20No.%201&2%20Memorandum%20of%20Marriage%20Solemnization.pdf

Registration of Marriages :

Short title, extent and commencement :
** These Rules may be called the Kerala Registration of Marriages (Common) Rules, 2008.
** These Rules shall extend to the whole of the State of Kerala.

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** They shall come into force at once.

Marriages Compulsorily Registrable :
** All marriages solemnized in the State after the commencement of these Rules shall compulsorily be registered irrespective of religion of the parties :
** Provided that the marriages, the registration of which is compulsory under any other statutory provisions, need not be registered under these Rules and such marriages shall be registered under the respective statutory provisions :
** Provided further that marriages, the registration of which is optional as per any other statutory provisions shall be registered under these Rules unless
** registered under such statutory provisions Provided also that the registration of marriages solemnized prior to the date of commencement of these Rules shall be optional.

Procedure and time limit for registration.—
(1) The parties to a marriage shall prepare a memorandum in duplicate in Form No. I appended tothese Rules along with two separate sets of photos and shall submit the same tothe Local Registrar within a period of forty-five days from the date of solemnization of their marriage.
(2) The memorandum for registration of marriages solemnized before the commencement of these Rules may be submitted within a period of one year from
the date of commencement of these Rules.
(3) The memorandum shall be signed by both the parties to the marriage
and two other persons who witnessed the marriage. In the case of a marriage
solemnized before a Marriage Officer appointed under any statutory provisions,
the entries made in the Register of Marriages or any other register maintained for
this purpose and certified by the Marriage Officer and in the case of a marriage
solemnized as per religious rites, a copy of the certificate of marriage issued by
the religious authority concerned may be a document in proof of the marriage.
A registrtion fee of rupees ten shall be payable along with the submission of the
memorandum for registration.

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