ulb.gov.in : View Birth Certificate Online Jammu & Kashmi

Organization :Housing & Urban Development Department Jammu & Kashmir
Facility : Apply For Birth Certificate

Home Page : http://ulb.gov.in/index.htm
Apply here :https://serviceonline.gov.in/jammu/

Online Birth Certificate :

This service is meant for the benefit of General Public. Unauthorized downloading of copy of the Birth Certificates and misusing the same is a crime.

Related : ULB Shillong Municipal Board Online Grievance & Monitoring System : www.statusin.in/10043.html

The offenders can be automatically tracked by using the audit trial built in the system and will be punished under law.
** “The child shall be registered immediately after birth and shall have the right from birth to name, the right to acquire a nationality and as far as possible, the right to know & be cared for by his or her parents.”
** Article 7 of the 1989 U.N. Convention on the Right of the Child (CRC)

Birth Certificate :
** Birth Certificate is the vital record that documents the birth of a child. A birth certificate usually includes information like birth name , date and time of birth , sex of the child, place or location of birth and name of parents.
** Housing & Urban Developement Department of J & K offers Birth Certificate Facilitation service for all eighty four urban local bodies from Jammu & Kashmir.

Data of Birth Events :
Urban Local Bodies Onwards
** Jammu Municipal Corporation 1984 Onwards
** Srinagar Municipal Corporation 2001 Onwards
** ULB’s of Jammu Division 1991 Onwards
** ULB’s of Kashmir Division 2001 Onwards

Disclaimer :
The authenticity of data and Contents is the responsibility of concerned Urban Local Body.

To Get Certificate Various Steps :
** Select Location.
** Click on Apply Button.
** Enter Father’s Name,birth Date,Email Id,Phone Number.
** Click on Apply.
** You will receive a code on your given mail id.
** Click Print Button.
** Enter code received by email followed by Get Record Button.
** Select Record and get Certificate issued.

Frequently Asked Questions :
What is Urban Local Body ?
Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) of India are the constitutionally provided administrative units that provide basic infrastructure and services in cities and towns.

How eMunicipality project can be implemented in Urban Local Body ?
NIC has developed a wide range of web based applications for urban local bodies. The applications listed under Services supported through applications are available for use by any ULB.

For this ULB needs to contact NIC Pune office or send mail to nic-ulbservices[at]nic.in regarding their requirement.

After discussion between ULB officials and NIC Pune, the official procedure of registration of ULB at NIC Pune will be completed and product will be made available for use.

Whether customization as per our requirements will be done by NIC?
All the products are generic. They are designed in such a way that big municipal corporation or a small committee / council can use them effectively.

What will be the format used for data?
Data will be stored on central server in Unicode format- UTF8.

What about data that is already existing and is in different format?
Where ever possible NIC will help in conversion of data to unicode format. If data is stored in proprietory font, user needs to get it converted into unicode format from the third party vendors. NIC will tender all possible help in this activity.

Training on usage of product?
NIC , Pune will conduct training programs specific to each product.

Categories: Jammu & Kashmir
Tags: ulb.gov.in

View Comments (3)

  • I lost my date of birth certificate and I don't know its registration number.
    But I know it was made in 2001
    So what can I do?

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