Rajiv Swagruha House Allotment Procedure : Andhra Pradesh

Organisation : Rajiv Swagruha Corporation Ltd,Andhra Pradesh
Facility : House Allotment Procedure

Procedure : http://rajivswagruhaap.gov.in/cis/index.php?action=viewallotment
Home Page : http://rajivswagruhaap.gov.in/cis/index.php?action=viewHome

House Allotment Procedure :

The following principles shall be observed while making the allotment of houses
** Once eligibility established, depending upon number of project locations in your urban area, layout for townships will be prepared with tentative costing. Details will be notified for taking your option.

Related : Rajiv Swagruha Apply Online For House : www.statusin.in/19357.html

** Drawal of lots among eligible applicants for a particular category of houses in particular locality.
** With in the location allotment of flat/house will be by drawal of lottery.
** Date, time and venue of the drawal of lots intimated to all eligible applicants — days before drawal of lots either individually and through notification.

The allotment of the flat is provisional and subject to the following conditions :
** The allotment of flat is subject to verification of information and declarations given by you in your application. If any of the information and declarations found to be false and contrary to the norms specified in our notification, this allotment is liable for cancellation without notice duly forfeiting all your rights and the amounts paid by you and the APRSCL is at liberty to allot such flat to the next eligible applicant.

** The allotment is valid only for the original applicant and will not be transferred to any one except to his/her legal heir in the vent of the death of the original applicant, after due verification of the same, at the sole discretion of the corporation.

** The allottee is not entitled to sell the flat till next five years. No request for transfer of the flat in favour of the third party is entertained. In the event of such unauthorized transaction is noticed, the APRSCL reserves the right to allot such flats to other eligible applicants duly forfeiting your deposits.

** In case of double allotment or if both wife and husband get the allotment, the applicant is required to surrender one allotment to the Corporation and keep the other allotment of his or her choice. In case it comes to the Coporation’s notice that an applicant is holding two allotments, one of the allotments of the applicant will be cancelled as per the choice of the Corporation without any notice duly forfeiting the amounts paid by the applicant. No further correspondence is entertained in this regard.

** The allottees are informed that on payment of full tentative cost by all the allottees as stated in the letter, public lottery will be conducted for allotment of the particular flat to the allottee. Incentives will be given for prompt payments.

** The APRSCL as a facilitator has tied up with Banks for the loan facility. Incase you require loan you may approach Bank who has agreed to advance loans at concessional rate of interest without charging the processing fee. They will also open a counter at project site to receive applications for processing the loan applications.

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There will be a tripartite AGREEMENT between the Bank, allottee and the APRSCL. The APRSCL will receive the money as per the progress from the Bank directly. This would facilitate expeditious execution and timely completion of the project. See the checklist for bank loan

** Registration will be done after completion of the flats and on full payment of the amount by the allottee to the APRSCL. The registration charges will be paid by the allottee and shall be as per the rates decided by the Govt of AP from time to time and it is binding on the applicant.

** The flat/house will be handed over to the allottee after registration as per the terms and conditions of the loan.
** Membership to the club will be charged separately.
** The cost may change in case of abnormal increase / decrease in the cost of raw material.
** APRSCL reserves the right to modify the layout and specifications.

Senior Citizen Projects :
The allotment of the flat is provisional and subject to the following conditions :
** A SENIOR CITIZEN is ‘an elderly active person’, a person of relatively advanced age, especially a person at or over the age of retirement of Government Service i.e 58 Years.
** The concept of ‘COMMUNITY LIVING’ is the supreme consideration for all the inmates of the Township. Mutual sharing and caring is the back bone for community living.
** Right Over Property- Freehold on absolute ownership over the Dwelling Unit, Un-divided share of Amenities (See the list of Amenities) & land area.
** There is no restriction of Income & Age for filing application for allotment subject to condition that “THE OCCUPANT HAS TO BE A SENIOR CITIZEN”. The OCCUPANT can be an Owner or Tenant.

** The general maintenance charges have to be paid irrespective whether the Dwelling Unit (DU) is occupied or not, further if Dwelling Unit is left vacant beyond SIX MONTHS the general maintenance charges will be levied at 1.5 times of normal charges per month.

** It is mandatory for all Owners / Occupants to become the member of the ‘Prashanthi Enclave Residents Welfare Association’ and shall be bound by its rules, regulations & conditions, etc.
** An Agency will look after management and maintenance of the Enclave (See the Details) and collects maintenance/user charges as fixed from time to time.
** Security Deposit / Corpus Fund will be collected from Owner/Occupant and Donations from reputed agencies will also be accepted

Applicant has to submit the following along with bank Loan Application
** 3 passport size photograph of Borrower/Co-borrower.
** Salary certificates for the last 3 months with deductions of Borrower and Co-Borrower
** Form-16/Tax Return duly acknowledged by ITO of the last 2 years for Employees and Tax duly acknowledged ITO with computation of income and photo copies of IT Challans paid for past 3 years for Self employed/Professionals.
Proof of identity: Passport,copy of voter ID Card, PAN card , Dept. ID OR Card/Driving License.
Proof of Residence: Xerox copy of Telephone Bill/Electricity Bill/Gas consumer allotment letter/property Tax receipt/ Ration Card/Water tax receipt).
a)Business Address proof for Non-salaried Individuals :Telephone Bill/electricity Bill etc.
** Business Establishment proofmunicipal License/Firm Registration/VAT Registration/any other proof.
** Copy of Bank Statement for the past 6 months Of salaried, bank account statement where salary credited).

For Salaried persons :
** Below 45 years — 60 times of net salary
** Above 45 years — 48 times of net salary

For others (Business/self employed) :
** Below 45 years — 5 times of Net Annual Income.
** Above 45 years — 4 times of Net Annual Income

In both the cases :
** In addition, in order to increase the loan component, spouse income and expected rental income also can be included.

** Up to 45 years of age — in 20 years
** Above 45 years of age — in 15 years.

Categories: Andhra Pradesh
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