Backward Classes Welfare Department : Vocational Training Scheme In Tribal Areas

Organization : West Bengal Backward Classes Welfare Department
Service Name : Vocational Training Scheme In Tribal Areas
Applicable State : West Bengal

Guidelines : https://www.statusin.in/uploads/19369-vtc.pdf
Website : http://www.anagrasarkalyan.gov.in/htm/home.html

Vocational Training Scheme

The rising left-wing extremism is a manifestation of frustration and lack of faith in the present development process. It is necessary that both State and Central Government should make efforts weaning away the tribal youths from disruptive activities.

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Hence one of the major efforts is to establish such vocational training institutes for large scale employment of unemployed tribal youths.

Scope And Eligibility :
Under the scheme grants shall be sanctioned subject to terms and conditions laid down by this Ministry provided application for the same is received as per prescribed proforma.
The agencies eligible for assistance shall be as follows:
i) Institutions or Organisation set up by Government as autonomous bodies either under a statue or as a society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 or otherwise
ii) Educational and other instructions of the like of local bodies and cooperative bodies.

iii) Non Government Organisation meeting the following requirements:
** It is a registered body under an appropriate Act so that it gets a corporate status and a legal personality and a group liability is established for its activities.
** It has an appropriate administrative structure and a duly constituted managing/executive committee.
** The aims and objects of the organization and programmes in fulfillment of those aims and objects are preciously laid down and
** The organization is initiated and governed by its own members on democratic principles without any external control.

Procedure For Release Of Grant-In-Aid And Funding Pattern :
a) Under the scheme 100% central assistance will be given to State/UTs/NGOs for setting up and running of vocational training centers.

b) One the event of Ministry of Welfare itself executing any element of the programme i.e. engagement of consultants for project formulation, monitoring and evaluation as well as expenses towards cost of training of NGO functionaries etc.
Full cost shall be borne from the budgetary provision of the scheme.

c) Under the Programme while no predefined cost heads shall be stipulated at the project formulation stage, each implementing agency shall submit a detailed project proposal clearly bringing out the programme modalities and individual expenditure heads.

Ministry of Welfare while approving the projects shall indicate the extent of support to the project as a whole as well as to each component of the project against which reappropriation to the extent of 20% of the total grant shall be permitted.

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Terms And Conditions :

1. The scheme will come into effect from 11th day of August 1998.

2. The scheme will be meant for Scheduled Tribes and will provide for training for various trades in a particular centre depending upon the existing infrastructure as well as the employment potential in the proximity of the proposed location Only after the need and the possibility of vocationally trained tribal youths are established clearly the proposal would be considered.
3. 100% grant-in-aid will be provided to the agencies/organisations eligible for assistance as specified in Para 2 of the Scheme.

4. Each Vocational Training Center under the revised scheme may cater to five vocational courses in traditional skills depending upon the employment potential of the area. Keeping in view the limited potential of even skilled persons in interior areas, each tribal boy/girl will be trained in two trades of his/her choice, course in each trade being for duration of three months.

Each trainee will be attached at the end of six months to Master Craftsman in a semi-urban/urban area for a period of six months to learn his skills by practical experience. The practical experience in each trade being of three months duration.

5. Each Vocational training centre will provide vocational training for 100 trainees. The Centres would also provide residential facilities to maximum 50% of the trainees enrolled in the institute. The training institutes will be meant for tribal trainees only.
6. Three agencies running the vocational training centres shall also arrange for loan and subsidy either through ITDP or through any other agency for enabling each successful trainee for starting his/her new job.

7. The agencies already running vocational training centres and agencies already sanctioned grants for setting up and running of VTCs prior to 1997-98 under the scheme will not be allowed to increase the existing strength of 5o trainees in the centres. However, the assistance for recurring cost for these ongoing centers shall be provided as per revised norms for further running of these centres.

8. The Agencies already sanctioned grant-in-aid to set up the vocational training centers during 1997-98 and in case the centre has not started functioning the concerned organisation will be given recurring grant as per revised scheme only after the construction of the centre is completed as per pre-revised norms. These centres will also be allowed to have the strength of 100 trainees in a year.

9. The agencies will be given grant-in-aid to run the VTCs either in rented building or in the building owned by the organisation or in the building constructed out of grant-in-aid under the scheme. The construction grant will be provided where it is absolutely necessary based on the rates approved by the State’s specific PWD for the centre applied for by the agency.

The local available material will be used by the agency for such construction so that the benefit of such grants also reaches to local tribal population. The rate of rent allowed per month will be maximum upto Rs.8000/- and maintenance grant in case of the building owned by the Organization/Agency will be @ 10% of the rent allowed per month.

Each VTC should have minimum two class roomcum- demonstration hall for accommodating 100 trainees, two hostel dormitories to accommodate maximum 50 trainees and sufficient space for office. The non-recurring component in case of construction will be released in two equal instalments depending upon progress of construction and progress of expenditure.

10. Each VTC will be provided financial assistance for purchase of training equipment to run courses in five trades to be decided by the agency concerned once in five years @2.40 lakh per VTC, if the agency running the VTCs wants to change the trades in which they are running the courses depending upon the changed employment potential of the area they will be allowed to do so only after they have imported training in the already running courses for the centre for minimum of five years.

Categories: West Bengal
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