Assam CSC/PFC, E-District Citizen Registration

Organisation : Government of Assam
Facility : CSC/PFC, E-District Citizen Registration
Applicable For : Assam

Registration Details here : http://assam.gov.in/csc-registration-manual
Website : http://assam.gov.in/

How To Do Assam CSC Registration?

CSC Registration Module will enable different CSC users to avail the G2C services in online mode from State Portal. This document explains the step by step procedure for the registration in the Portal.

Related / Similar Facility : Permanent Residential Certificate Assam

Step 1: A new csc user has to register themselves Go to assam.gov.in
Step 2:Then click on register/login user themselves in assam.gov.in . button. The below page will appear.
Step 3: Click on Create account
Step 4: Please fill up the form accordingly and save it. The screen name will be the User ID and an one time password will be send to your Email Address that you have provided.
Step5: Please login in the portal using user name and password .
Step 6:After successful login goto CSC Registration tab and select New Registration. Following screen will appear. Please select CSC.
Step 7: Please enter valid OMT ID.
Step 8:Please fillup the form and save it..
Your CSC registration process is complete. After successful registration you will get permission to access the e-forms within few minutes.

How To Do PFC Registration?

PFC Registration Module enables from State Portal. This document explains the step by step procedure for the registration in the Portal.

Step 1: A new PFC user has to register themselves Go to assam.gov.in
Step 2: Then click on register/login s different PFC users to avail the G2C services in online mode user themselves in .assam.gov.in . button. The below page will appear.
Step 3: Click on Create account
Step 4: Please fill up the form accordingly and save it. The screen name will be the User ID and an one time password will be send to your Email Address that you have provided.
Step5: Please login in the portal using user name and password .
Step 6: After successful login go to Following screen will appear. Please select
Step 7: Please enter valid PFC ID go to PFC Registration tab and select New Registration select PFC.
Step 8: Please fill up the form and Your PFC registration process is complete. After successful registration you will get permission to access the e-forms within few minutes. click on Submit.

How To Do E-District Citizen Registration?

A home user can apply for the E-District Services through assam.gov.in by following the below steps:
1. Create account in Assam State Portal by clicking on the link provided at e-District Citizen Registration
2. Provide the necessary details in the Create Account Screen. Once submitted your password will be sent to the email address provided.
3. Login with your screen name as your User Name
4. Once logged in, click on the link ( Click here for e-District Services Registration ) under
5. Fill up the Registration form for e-District Services

FAQ On Assam CSC Registration

Here are some frequently asked questions FAQ about Assam CSC Registration:

Related Post

What is Assam CSC Registration?
Assam CSC Registration is the process of registering as a Common Service Center (CSC) in the state of Assam. CSCs are government-empowered centers that provide a variety of services to citizens, such as Aadhaar card enrollment, e-governance services, and financial services.

Who can register for Assam CSC?
Any individual or organization can register for Assam CSC. However, there are some eligibility criteria that must be met, such as:
** The applicant must be a citizen of India.
** The applicant must have a valid PAN card.
** The applicant must have a valid bank account.
** The applicant must have a space of at least 100 square feet to set up the CSC.

How to register for Assam CSC?
To register for Assam CSC, you can follow these steps:
** Visit the Assam CSC website.
** Click on the “Register” button.
** Fill out the registration form.
** Upload the required documents.
** Pay the registration fee.

What are the benefits of registering for Assam CSC?
There are several benefits to registering for Assam CSC, including:
** You will be able to provide a variety of services to citizens.
** You will be able to generate income from the services that you provide.
** You will be able to contribute to the development of the state of Assam.

How to find a CSC in Assam?
You can find a CSC in Assam by visiting the Assam CSC website or by contacting the Assam CSC helpline.

FAQ On Assam E-District Citizen Registration

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Assam E-District Citizen Registration:

What is Assam E-District Citizen Registration?
Assam E-District Citizen Registration is a web-based platform for citizens of Assam to register themselves and avail various government services online. The platform was launched by the Government of Assam in 2016 with the objective of providing citizens with a convenient and easy way to access government services.

What are the benefits of registering for Assam E-District Citizen Registration?
There are several benefits to registering for Assam E-District Citizen Registration, including:
** You can avail various government services online.
** You can save time and effort by avoiding the need to visit government offices.
** You can access government services from anywhere in the world.

Who can register for Assam E-District Citizen Registration?
Any citizen of Assam who is 18 years of age or above can register for Assam E-District Citizen Registration.

Categories: Assam
Tags: assam.gov.in

View Comments (8)

  • How can I get forget password and scree name Because I have CSC ID , Please help me and send Password and Sreen name in my Gmail

    • Information available from the Official Website :
      E-District Citizen Registration
      A home user can apply for the E-District Services through assam.gov.in by following the below steps:
      1. Create account in Assam State Portal by clicking on the link provided at e-District Citizen Registration
      2. Provide the necessary details in the Create Account Screen. Once submitted your password will be sent to the email address provided.
      3. Login with your screen name as your User Name
      4. Once logged in, click on the link ( Click here for e-District Services Registration ) under
      5. Fill up the Registration form for e-District Services

  • E-District Citizen Registration
    I want to do E-District Citizen Registration. What is the procedure?

  • How can I apply csc centre in Assam?
    I am from Tinsukia. I want csc centre but don't know to apply. Please tell me.

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