Apollo Hospital : Search for Health Checks

Organization : Apollo Hospitals Enterprises Ltd Tamil Nadu
Facility : Search for Health Checks

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Search for Health Checks :

** Health Check allows us to be proactive in prevention and early detection of health issues that can and should be treated at all ages.
** Regular health exams and tests can help find problems before they start.

Related : Apollo Hospital Search Doctor & Book Appointment Online : www.statusin.in/4373.html

** They also can help find problems early, when your chances for treatment and cure are better.
** By getting the right health services, screenings, and treatments, you are taking steps that help your chances for living a longer, healthier life.
** Your age, health and family history, lifestyle choices (i.e. what you eat, how active you are, whether you smoke), and other important factors impact what and how often you need healthcare.
** Apollo Hospitals provides an advanced range of health assessments, which combine state of the art technology with specialist expertise.
** The health assessments give you an in-depth insight into your current state of health and give you the means and motivation to make sustainable changes to your lifestyle.
** Apollo Hospitals and Clinics is the largest chain of Health Check Centers which give the advantage to choose your nearest Apollo Clinic or hospital and at your convenience.
** The economic packages are available in all Apollo clinics and if you wish to choose a Personal Health Check covering a wide range of investigations you can visit any of the Apollo Hospitals.

Why do you need a Health Check-Up?
Regular health check-ups and tests help detect problems early, which help in prevention. By getting regular health check-ups, screenings, and treatments, the chances of getting serious health problems will be less. They help in improving health, suggest life style changes to make health healthier. In order to reduce this risk, a number of health checks or screening tests are recommended at different stages of our lives.

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What should a health check do for you?
An ideal health check should be a comprehensive screening program that is tailor-made to suit the needs of an individual and not just a standard set of blood tests. It should involve detailed physical examinations and consultation by experienced physicians for health issues that the individual could be prone to due to his/her personal medical and family history or lifestyle.

Cutting-edge technology together with clinical expertise provides accurate and reliable diagnostic results. A truly evolved and contemporary health check must include a personalised care continuum plan that extends care beyond the health check. This is what guarantees peerless and personalised protection.

Few warning signs which indicate – It’s your time for Check Up
** Few changes like lumps or skin changes
** Frequent pain, dizziness, fatigue, problems with urine or stool, or menstrual cycle changes
** If the eating habits changed, like feeling more hungry or not at all feeling hungry?
** Frequently experiencing depression, anxiety, trauma, distress, or sleeping problems?

Are check-ups and screening tests the same for people of all age groups?
Well, not exactly. Screening tests and exams depend on one’s age, health, lifestyle choices, family history etc. The purpose of health checks is to:
** Screen for diseases
** Assess the risk of any potential medical problems
** Plan and make healthy lifestyle choices
** Follow the vaccination schedule

Instructions to be followed before going for a Health Check:
** Please ensure you are on complete fasting for 12-Hours prior to check.
** During fasting time do not take any kind of Medication, Alcohol, Cigarettes, Tobacco or any other Liquids (except Water) in the Morning.
** Please bring all your Medical Prescriptions and Previous Health Medical Records with you.
** Kindly inform the Health Check reception in case if you have a history of Diabetic or Cardiac problems.

For Women:
** Pregnant Women or those suspecting Pregnancy are advised not to undergo any X-Ray test.
** It is advisable not to undergo any Health Check during Menstrual cycle.

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