NRHM MCTS Mother & Child Tracking System : Health & Family Welfare

Organisation : Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Facility : Mother & Child Tracking System MCTS
Mother Child Tracking System : http://nrhm-mcts.nic.in/MCH/
Website : http://nrhm-mcts.nic.in/

Mother & Child Tracking System :

When a mother dies, children lose their primary caregiver, communities are denied her paid and unpaid labour,and countries forego her contributions to economic and social development.

Related : Central Government Health Scheme Application for CGHS Card : www.statusin.in/19251.html

A woman’s death is more than a personal tragedy–it represents an enormous cost to her nation, her community , and her family. Any social and economic investment that has been made in her life is lost.

More than a decade of research has shown that small and affordable measures can significantly,reduce the health risks that women face when they become pregnant. Most maternal deaths could be prevented if women had access to appropriate health care during pregnancy, childbirth, and immediately afterwards.

Please contact NIC State Health Co-ordinator for making any changes in Common Masters or creating additional User IDs for your state

Please send email to helpdesk-mcts[at]lsmgr[dot]nic[dot]in giving details of State / District / Health Block / PHC / Sub Center and your UserID for any assistance

NHM Goals :
Outcomes for NHM in the 12th Plan are synonymous with those of the 12th Plan, and are part of the overall vision. The endeavor would be to ensure achievement of those indicators in Box 1. Specific goals for the states will be based on existing levels, capacity and context.

State specific innovations would be encouraged. Process and outcome indicators will be developed to reflect equity, quality, efficiency and responsiveness. Targets for communicable and non-communicable disease will be set at state level based on local epidemiological patterns and taking into account the financing available for each of these conditions.

Objectives of the Free Diagnostics Service Initiative are :
i) Ensure the availability of a minimum set of diagnostics appropriate to the level of care
ii) Reduce high out of pocket expenditure incurred by patients for diagnostics

iii) Enable initiation and continuation of appropriate treatment based on accurate diagnosis.
iv) Use of appropriate diagnostics to screen patients for a set of chronic conditions so as to enable secondary prevention measures.

v) Improve overall quality of healthcare and patients experience as a result of availability of comprehensive healthcare in public health facilities.

About Us :
Initially the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare had two Departments, Each of these Departments was headed by the Secretary to the Government of India
** Department of Health & Family Welfare
** Department of Health Research

On August 7, 2014 vide extraordinary Gazette notification Part –II Section-3, Sub Section(ii) New Delhi Thursday August 7, 2014, Department of AIDS Control has been merged with Department of Health & Family Welfare and now be known as National AIDS Control Organization (NACO).

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