NRHM Gujarat Mukhyamantri Amrutum Scheme

Organisation : NRHM Gujarat
Facility : Mukhyamantri Amrutum Scheme
Scheme Details : https://nrhm.gujarat.gov.in/mukhya-mantri-amrutam.htm
Website : https://nrhm.gujarat.gov.in/

Mukhyamantri Amrutum

A large number of households are pushed into poverty as a result of high costs of household spending on health care. The Below Poverty Line (BPL) population is especially vulnerable to the catastrophic health risks.

Related / Similar Service :
NRHM Gujarat Rogi Kalyan Samiti Scheme

To address this key vulnerability faced by the BPL population in the Gujarat, the State Government has launched a medical care scheme called Mukhyamantri Amrutum (MA) Yojana.

The objective of the scheme is to improve access of BPL families to quality medical and surgical care for the treatment of identified diseases involving hospitalization, surgeries and therapies through an em panel network of health care providers.

Surgeries Covered in this Scheme :
** Cardiovascular Surgeries (a total 153 Benefit Packages)
** Neurosurgery (a total 49 Benefit Packages)
** Burns (a total 22 Benefit Packages)
** Poly Trauma (Not covered by Motor Vehicle Insurance) (a total 33 Benefit Packages)
** Cancer (Malignancies) (Surgical Oncology, Chemotherapy & Radiation Oncology) (a total 206 Benefit Packages)
** Renal (Kidney) (a total 52 Benefit Packages)
** Neonatal (newborn) diseases (a total 29 Benefit Packages)

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Mukhyamantri Amrutum Yojana provides quality medical and surgical care for the catastrophic illnesses involving hospitalization, surgeries and therapies through an em panel network of hospitals to the BPL families.

Benefits :
** The Scheme benefits Below Poverty Line (BPL) Families of all the 26 districts of Gujarat which is expected to be approximately 39 lakh BPL families (as per Rural Development and Urban Development Department).

** All predefined medical procedures are part of the disease/treatment packages. An enrolled BPL beneficiary may go to any of Network Hospital with a QR Coded Plastic Card and come out without making any payment to the Hospital for the procedures covered under Mukhyamantri Amrutum Yojana.

** The total sum assured for the BPL family is of Rs.2,00,000/- Per Annum Per Family on family floater basis. A unit of five members (Head of family, spouse, and three dependents) of BPL family is covered under Mukhyamantri Amrutum Yojana.
** Services will be rendered by both identified private/ public/trust hospitals.
** QR coded (Quick Response Code) Plastic cards will be issued to the eligible families under the scheme. The transactions for the treatment of inpatients shall be cashless.
** 300/-per hospitalization will be reimbursed as transportation cost to the beneficiary.
** Rs.300/-per hospitalization with a ceiling of maximum Rs.3,000/-per year will be reimbursed as transportation cost to the beneficiary.
** To implement the scheme State Government has established a “State Nodal Cell (SNC) ”at the State, which will administers the Mukhyamantri Amrutum (MA) Yojana.

** For the claim processing, deployment of Arogya Mitras, District Coordinators, IEC activities, empanelment of hospitals etc. an Implementation Support Agency (ISA) has been selected and very soon, through a Mega Health Camp the scheme will be launched.

Eligible Health Services Providers :
** All Private hospitals who qualify in two stage Bid process.
** All Government/Grant in Aid hospitals as decided by the State Government shall be em panel.

Categories: Gujarat
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