clinicalestablishments.nic.in Clinical Establishment Registration Renewal : CERRS

Organisation : Ministry of Health and Family Welfare CERRS
Facility : Clinical Establishment Registration Renewal

Registration Renewal : https://www.statusin.in/uploads/19672-Renew.pdf
Website : http://clinicalestablishments.nic.in/AuthenticatedPages/Users/UserLogin.aspx

Renewal Registration :

CERR Process Flow for Renewal of Certificate – Clinical Establishment Profile

Related : CERRS Apply Online for Clinical Establishment Registration : www.statusin.in/19671.html

User Login Page:
On login screen, please enter your Login Id, Password and Verification Code respectively and Click “ Login” button and you will be directed to the Home Page Screen. In case of first time users, they will be redirected to the Change Password Screen.

Note: User/CE can login into CERR portal by entering its valid login credentials only.

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2. Home Page:
** When the Provisional Certificate is expire,the home page looks like below, which contains a link “ReNew” and user can apply for Renew Provisional Certificate of its establishment.
** For the Renewal of Provisional Certificate, a user has to fill complete & valid details of its establishment accordingly.
** A user can also know the current status of its applied application.

3. When click on ReNew button it redirected to Registration Page. This Registration page contains all the information as entered in previous Registration. User / Applicant can change any field of information of its establishment accordingly.

Click on Declaration Statement for provided details under CERR Act 2010. Once all complete details entered in the form & click on Renew Link button, this detailed application will send to District Registration Authority for Approving/Rejecting the form. And message will be displayed “Your Application submitted successfully, Please login after 10 days and check the status.”

Approval / Rejection of Clinical Establishment Application Screen:
All the Clinical Establishment complete non editable details would verified by an inspection officer of DRA Official. On the based inspection report of DRA Officer, DRA Officer approves/rejects the CE. Application on based of the inspection.

Approved Clinical Establishment Application:
** After the CE Application has approved by a DRA official, the home page of the CE user will update accordingly by Status, Certificate will upload & Approval Remark will displayed.
** From here a CR user can able to open its provisional certificate & can read the remark which was given by the DRA Official.
** CE user can also view the changed status of its CE to Status: Approved – Provisional and certificate is also attached at top of the application in pdf format.

Rejected Clinical Establishment Application:
** After the CE Application has rejected by a DRA official, the home page of the CE user will update accordingly by Status, & Rejection Remark will displayed
** From here concerned user can read a rejection remark which was given by the DRA Official after an inspection report.
** CE user can also view the changed status of its CE to Status: Rejected – Provisional on clicking on the establishment name.
[embeddoc url=”https://www.statusin.in/uploads/19672-Renew.pdf”]

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