trackthemissingchild.gov.in National Tracking System For Missing & Vulnerable Children

Organization : National Tracking System For Missing & Vulnerable Children
Facility : National Tracking System

Track Here/ Home Page : http://trackthemissingchild.gov.in

National Tracking System :

** The Ministry of Women and Child Development is implementing a Centrally Sponsored Scheme, namely the Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) since 2009-10.

Related : Department for Women, Children, Disabled & Senior Citizens Telangana Schemes : www.statusin.in/1090.html

** The objectives of the scheme are to contribute to the improvement in the well being of children in difficult circumstances, as well as to the reduction of vulnerabilities to situations and actions that lead to abuse, neglect, exploitation, abandonment and separation of children.
** The Scheme, also envisages for creating a mechanism for tracking ‘missing’ and ‘found’ children under ICPS and Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act,2000 ( JJ Act).

** Therefore, this Ministry had entrusted National Informatics Centre (NIC) to develop a national portal TrackChild which not only have data on ‘missing’ children but it also have live database to monitor the progress of the ‘found’ children who are availing various services in different Child Care Institutions (CCIs) under the ICPS and the JJ Act.
** TrackChild portal has been designed and developed adhering to the guidelines provided in the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 and Model Rules 2007 and the provisions laid down in the Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS).

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** One of the tasks entrusted under ICPS to the State Governments is the setting up of a child tracking system which will facilitate data entry and matching of missing and found children, and also enable follow up of the progress of children who are beneficiaries of the Scheme.
** Thus, proper monitoring and welfare of the children under the Scheme would also be ensured through the portal.
** The Homes, Child Welfare Committees are being equipped with computers; staff etc. to facilitate data entry of the children under ICPS.

** TrackChild portal provides an integrated virtual space for all stakeholders & ICPS bodies which includes Central Project Support Unit (CPSU), State Child Protection Society/Units and District Child Protection Units (DCPU), Child Care Institutions (CCIs), Police Stations, Child Welfare Committees (CWCs), Juvenile Justice Boards (JJBs), etc. in the 35 State/UTs.

** It also provides a networking system amongst all the stakeholders and citizens to facilitate tracking of a “Child in distress”.
** It requires data entry and updating at various levels such as Police stations, Child Care Institutions (CCIs)/Homes, Shelters, Child Welfare Committees, and Juvenile Justice Boards etc.
** The Software also provides facilities for mapping of vulnerable locations, i.e. those which have a large number of children reported missing, so that corrective action can be taken in these areas.
** Monitoring by senior officers of the action being taken by the Police to trace the missing children has also been streamlined through the software.

** The Ministry of Women and Child development have been closely working with all the stake holders working in the area of child protection in the country and have organised various meetings/consultations specially with the State governments, Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), State Department of Home (Police), National Institute of Public Cooperation And Child Development (NIPCCD), Central Adoption Resource Agency (CARA), Zonal Integrated Police Network (ZIPNET) of Delhi Police and Childline India Foundation etc.

** Two National Conferences were also organised, on 30.10.2012 and 12.12.2013, to sensitize the high level Officers of States’ department of WCDs, Police personnel and other stakeholders.
** So far, MWCD with the assistance of National Informatics Centre (NIC) have completed training on the use of TrackChild software for Police officials and ICPS functionaries in 35 States/UTs.
** Need based trainings are conducted as per requests received from States.
** NIC has also designated its nodal officers to provide technical help to 35 States/UTs.
** TrackChild nodal officers have also been appointed by departments of WCD by States/UTs.

In an Emergency or if you have information about a missing or exploited child-
** Dial 1098 to call CHILD LINE, FOR 24X7 support
** Dial 100 to call your Local Police Station

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