How to View Employees Salary Details Online Haryana?

Organization :Government of Haryana
Facility : View Employees Salary details

Home Page : http://haryana.gov.in/
Login here :http://intraharyana.nic.in/#

View Employees Salary details :

How to Register on the site to get user/password :
** Open the above mention Website
** Click on ‘New Registration’.

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** Screen will display 5 options to be filled by you
** Employee type : Choose from the list
** Date of Birth : Fill in format (dd/mm/yyyy) i.e 18/02/1989
** Date of Joining : Fill in format (dd/mm/yyyy) i.e 18/02/1989
** Salary Bank Account Number : Bank account where your salary is deposited by the department
** Security code : Number mentioned just in front of option
** After filling the above information, Click on ‘Submit’ Button.
If the information filled by the employees is not correct :
** Do the above process again or contact your DDO for correct information.
** It will ask for your Mobile no.
** Fill your 10 digit mobile no(without 0)
** Press Submit Button
** User/Password will be sent to your mobile no.

Your details will be displayed like :
** Enter your email or Mobile no(10 digit no with 0) or both.
** Enter your GPF series like HRGA,HRVETY,HRPWD, PRAN etc, GPF NO.
** Information should be correct; otherwise user/password will not be generated.
** Press ‘Submit Button’.
** After it, a message will be displayed.
** Your user/password will be sent to your email or mobile with in 72 hours. No need to send email

How to Login :
If you already have User ID and Password, then open the site on any browser. A window as shown given below will be opened.
** Enter Your User id like HRGA198788798 or PRAN13737738889

** Enter password as received by you on your email or mobile.
** Password is case sensitive i.e UPPER CASE, lower case.
** Then click on login button.

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** After successful login , you will be able to see various details like salary, GPF, Employee directory of you department, Birthday day, superannuation. You will also be able to update your photo, mobile no , correspondence address etc.

** All the information is provided by your department, if any correction in the data, you may contact your DDO and for GPF , loan, missing credits details you may also contact Accountant General, Haryana ( https://web.archive.org/web/20101125045534/http://web1.hry.nic.in:80/aghry/complaint.asp .)

** User may also be able to change his/her password by ‘Change Password’ option. Password should be at least 6 characters and have minimum one alphabet, one number, one special character like @#$*.

Forget Password :
If you have user id and forgot your password.
** Open the website
** Press ‘Forgot Password’ option on the site

** It will ask for user id , it will be your GPF no like HRGA2343 or pran no like PRAN132434353
** It will ask for your mobile no registered with your DDO or enter email registered by you.

** Then press ‘Get Password’
** It will send password on your mobile or email within few minutes.

If the Salary Details are not showing: If you have login successfully but salary details are not available or giving problem. Send the screen shot of the problem with your userid to yashpal [AT] nic.in.

Categories: Haryana
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