Khyati Infotech Domain Name Registration

Organisation : Khyati Infotech
Facility : Domain Name Registration
Domain Name Registration here : https://www.khyatiinfotech.net/services/domain-registration/
Website : http://www.khyatiinfotech.net/

Domain Name Registration

In internet each website has its unique name known as domain name. Domain name is also known as ‘web address’. There can not be two sites with the same domain name.

This is why it is important to register your chosen domain name before anyone else does. We offer you domain names at most attractive prices.

Domain Status Codes :
Domain status codes indicates current status of domain during its lifecycle.

This is the default status of a domain at registration time. The registry sets the domain to this status. The domain is modifiable by the registrar. The domain can be renewed. The domain SHALL be included in the zone file when in this status if the domain has at least one associated name server.

The registry sets the domain to this status. The domain cannot be modified or deleted by the registrar. The registry MUST remove the REGISTRY-LOCK status for the registrar to modify the domain. The domain can be renewed. The domain SHALL be included in the zone file when in this status if the domain has at least one associated name server.

The registry sets the domain to this status. The domain cannot be modified or deleted by the registrar. The registry MUST remove the REGISTRY-HOLD status for the registrar to modify the domain. The domain can be renewed. The domain SHALL NOT be included in the zone file when in this status.

The registrar of the domain sets the domain to this status. The domain can not be modified or deleted when in this status. The registrar MUST remove REGISTRAR-HOLD status to modify the domain. The domain can be renewed. The domain SHALL NOT be included in the zone file when in this status.

The registrar of the domain sets the domain to this status. The domain cannot be modified or deleted when in this status. The registrar MUST remove REGISTRAR-LOCK status to modify the domain. The domain can be renewed. The domain SHALL be included in the zone file when in this status.

A domain is set on this status if it has expired and has child name servers that are hosting other domains. Only the registry may set this status. The domain SHALL be included in the zone file when in this status if the domain has at least one associated name server.

The domain deletion progresses through the following statuses.

A domain name is placed in REDEMPTIONPERIOD status when a registrar requests the deletion of a name that is not within the Add Grace Period. A name that is in REDEMPTIONPERIOD status will not be included in the zone file.

A registrar can not modify or purge a name in REDEMPTIONPERIOD status. The only action a registrar can take on a name in REDEMPTIONPERIOD is to request that it be restored. Any other registrar requests to modify or otherwise update the domain will be rejected.

Unless restored, the domain will be held in REDEMPTIONPERIOD status for a specified number of calendar days. The current length of this Redemption Period is thirty calendar days.

Categories: National
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