wdcw.tg.nic.in e-sadhana Budget & Expenditure Monitoring System Telangana WDACW

Organisation : Department of Women Development & Child Welfare Telangana
Facility : e-sadhana Budget and Expenditure Monitoring System

Budget & Expenditure Monitoring System :
Website : http://wdcw.tg.nic.in/e-sadhanatg/index.html

Budget & Expenditure Monitoring System :

Scope of the System :
To Monitor Budget and Expenditure of every DDOs across the state on daily basis

Related : TSBOCWWB Telangana Scheme/Beneficiary Registration & Renewal : www.statusin.in/20355.html

Purpose of the System :
** To asses the requirement of budget and to monitor pendency of expenditure and to streamline the release of the budget to each DDO in Department.
** To Generate Finance related records and reports online and to avoid manual reporting on expenditure and requirement of the Budget.
** To under take reconciliation of expenditure with treasury figure online.
** To allow the regional and dist level officers monitor the budget and expenditure status of their sub-ordinate offices online.
** To allow DDOs to generate financial records of their offices from the system.

Usage of the System :
** DDOs will use this system for maintaining transaction wise financial records of their office .
** Monitoring officers ie,.PDs and RJDs besides using this system as DDOs will use for monitoring the sub-ordinate offices in respect of financial matters.
** The Head of the department will use the system for state level monitoring of budget and expenditure and to asses budget requirement for each scheme for every DDO.

Nutrition and Health Tracking System NHTS :
** The Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) is a nationwide flagship program of Government of India, aimed at holistic development to tackle malnutrition and health problems in children below 6 years of age and pregnant and nursing mothers.

** The main objectives of ICDS is to improve the nutritional and health status of children in the age- group 0-6 years and to reduce the incidence of mortality, morbidity, malnutrition and school dropout.

** Supplementary nutrition, immunization, health check-ups, referral services, pre-school education and nutrition health education are provided to children 0–6 years, pregnant women, and lactating mothers.

** In Telangana 10,71,000 children in the age group of 7 months to 3 years; 6,54,165children in the age group of 3 years to 6 years;5,31,310 pregnant women and lactating mothers are receiving Supplementary nutrition and health education services through 35,700 Anganwadi Centres (AWCs).

** MIS system involves collection of information about services provided to individual beneficiaries including pregnant women, lactating mothers and children below 6 years under current ICDS monitoring system.

** The present method of reporting facilitates only consolidated and compiled reporting, making it difficult to either have a close follow up of each and every beneficiary or to categorize beneficiaries who are at risk (pregnant women and children who are underweight or under nourished).

** Therefore there is an urgent need to develop an IT based individual tracking system to ensure the timely delivery of all due services to the target group and to enable identification of beneficiaries at risk and provide focused services aimed at reducing the vulnerabilities.

Categories: Telangana

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