Cochin Special Economic Zone : Procedure For Issue of ID Cards For Entry into SEZs

Organisation : Cochin Special Economic Zone
Facility : Procedure Issue of ID cards for Entry into SEZs

Download here : https://www.statusin.in/uploads/20451-IDCard.pdf
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ID cards for entry into SEZs :

** Special Economic Zone is a restricted area as per the Scheme of the SEZ Act, 2005 which has become operational on 10th February 2006.
** Entry to the processing area of a Zone is regulated through issue of ID Cards as stipulated in Section 46 of the SEZ Act, 2005 and as per procedure laid down in Rule 70 of SEZ Rules, 2006.

Related : Cochin Special Economic Zone Composite Application For Licenses/Clearances : www.statusin.in/1339.html

** SEZs are also considered to be soft targets, and therefore, there is an additional responsibility devolving on the developer to ensure that unauthorized persons do not have access to such sensitive places.
** Security personnel of the developer are to be responsible for the discharge of this function.
** In order to help them in carrying out their duties, the following board may be prominently displayed at all gates of the SEZ

The procedure to be followed in issue of ID Cards is given below:
a) ID Cards shall be in the format prescribed in Form K of SEZ Rules, 2006 and may be printed by the Developer. A specimen of the permanent and temporary ID card is enclosed.

b) The printed blank ID Cards, serially numbered, will be sent to the Office of the Development Commissioner, CSEZ for obtaining signature of the Development Commissioner and which shall remain in the custody of the nodal officer.
c) The ID cards shall be issued to persons whose presence in the SEZ is requested for by the developer or units.

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d) The nodal officer, an employee of the developer, and so authorized by the Development Commissioner, shall collect and compile the list of employees, to whom ID cards are to be issued, along with their designation, photographs, residential address, passport number and other details for issue of ID card from the CEOs of the units.

e) The nodal officer shall maintain a database of all the ID card holders which shall include Residential Address, Father/Mother’s name, Date of Birth, Sex and Educational Qualifications. The information should be made available to the officer designated by the Development Commissioner, on request. He shall also be accountable to the Development Commissioner for proper issue of ID cards.

f) Validity of ID card would be for a maximum period of five years. When any employee ceases to be in employment of the unit or Developer, the ID card would be surrendered forthwith and it shall be deemed to be invalid from such date. The CEO shall be responsible for requesting such cancellation.

g) Short-term visitors including contractors and their workers may be issued temporary ID cards at the request of developer/unit. The details of issue of such cards shall also be furnished to the Development Commissioner on a periodical basis. The procedure prescribed for permanent cards shall be followed for temporary cards.

h) A register shall be maintained at the Zone gate for recording vehicle registration No., name of drivers etc.
** Any violation of the above orders shall be construed as a breach of the SEZ Act, 2005 and SEZ Rules, 2006 with consequential actions.
** Any difficulty faced in implementing the above may be brought to the notice of the undersigned for remedial action.

Under Sec 46 of SEZ Act, 2005 & Rule 70 of SEZ Rules 2006, only persons possessing valid Identity
Cards/Visitors’ Pass issued by the Development Commissioner SEZ will be allowed entry.
By Order,Development Commissioner
Special Economic Zone

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