delhihighcourt.nic.in Guidelines for Electronic Filing : Delhi High Court

Organization : Delhi High Court
Facility : Guidelines for Electronic Filing

Guidelines : https://www.statusin.in/uploads/20476-Notification.PDF
Status here :https://delhihighcourt.nic.in/

Procedure For E-Filing

The original text material, documents, notice of motion, memorandum of parties, main petition or appeal, as the case may be, and interlocutory applications etc. will be prepared electronically using MS Word or Open Office software.

Related : Delhi High Court Check Case/ Filing Status : www.statusin.in/4703.html

The formatting style of the text will be as under:
Paper size : A-4
Margins :
Top : 1.5”
Bottom : 1.5”
Left : 1.75”
Justification : Full
Font : Times New Roman
Font size : 14
Line spacing : 1.5

** The documents should be converted into Portable Document Format (PDF) using any PDF converter or in-built PDF conversion plug-in provided in the software.
** Procedure to convert word document to PDF is set out in Appendix – I to these Practice Directions.

** Where the document is not a text document and has to be enclosed with the petition, appeal or application or other pleadings, the document should be scanned using an image resolution of 300 dpi (dot per inch) and saved as a PDF document.

** The maximum permissible size of the file that can be uploaded at the time of e-filing is MB.
** The text documents prepared in MS Word/Open Office as well as scanned documents should be merged as a single PDF file and bookmarked.
** The procedure for this purpose is set out in Appendix –II to these Practice Directions.

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** The merged documents should be uploaded at the time of e-filing by using the facility provided at the e-filing centre in the High Court Lawyers’ Chambers Block-I.
** The screen shots of the manner of accessing the e-filing portal and filling up the relevant columns for the purpose of e-filing are set out in Appendix –III to these Practice Directions.

All electronic documents filed using the e-filing system will have to be digitally signed by the advocate for the parties or where it is being filed in person, by the party concerned. The list of recognized Digital Signature Providers and the procedure involved in appending single or multiple digital signatures are set out in Appendix –IV to the Practice Directions

** Court fee can be paid by purchase of electronic court fee either from the online facility provided by the Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited (shcilestamp.com/) or the counters provided for the purpose in the Delhi High Court or from any other authorized court fee vendor in Delhi.
** The payment code whether automatically generated on payment of court fee online through the payment gateway of Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited on the receipt when court fee is purchased from the counter, has to be filled in the appropriate box at the time of e-filing.

** The originals of the documents that are scanned and digitally signed either by counsel or parties in person at the time of e-filing should be preserved for production upon being directed by the court at any time.
** In any event, signed Vakalatnama, signed and notarized/attested affidavit and any other document whose authenticity is likely to be questioned should be preserved at least for a period of two years till after the final disposal of the case

(Final disposal shall include disposal of appeals if any) and the following documents be preserved permanently:-
(a) A negotiable instrument (other than a cheque) as defined in section 13 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (26 of 1881).
(b) A power-of-attorney as defined in section 1A of the Powers-of-Attorney Act, 1882 (7 of 1882).
(c) A trust as defined in section 3 of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 (2 of 1882).
(d) A Will as defined in clause (h) of section 2 of the Indian Succession Act, 1925 (39 of 1925) including any other testamentary disposition by whatever name called.
(e) Any contract for the sale or conveyance of immovable property or any interest in such property.

The responsibility for producing the originals and proving their genuineness shall be of the party that has electronically filed the scanned copies thereof.

Access to documents and pleadings filed electronically in a case will be provided only to advocates for the parties in that case or the concerned parties themselves.
The advocate or the party may obtain documents from the Filing Counter by mailing an application along with a blank CD-R/DVD-R to be provided by the party.


Exemption from e-filing of the whole or part of the pleadings and/or documents may be permitted by the Court upon an application for that purpose being made to the Court in the following circumstances
(i) e-filing is, for the reasons to be explained in the application, not feasible; or
(ii) there are concerns about confidentiality and protection of privacy; or
(iii) the document cannot be scanned or filed electronically because of its size, shape or condition; or
(iv) the e-filing system is either inaccessible or not available for some reason; or
(v) any other sufficient cause.

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