andhrabank.in Online Locker Booking : Andhra Bank

Organization : Andhra Bank
Service Name : Online Locker Booking
Applicable State/UT: All India

Book Here : https://www.unionbankofindia.co.in/english/safedepositelocker.aspx
Website : http://andhrabank.in/english/EduLoans.aspx

Online Locker Booking :

The Bank’s Safe Deposit Locker service is available to our customers for storing the valuables for a nominal annual rent (payable in advance), which depends upon the size of the locker and the centre at which the branch is located.

Related : Andhra Bank Educational Loans For Higher Studies : www.statusin.in/10326.html

** A safe deposit locker is located in a vault, which is built in accordance with the Reserve Bank of India guidelines.
** The relationship between the Bank and the Renter of a Safe Deposit Locker is that of a Hirer “Bank”/”Lessor” and “Hirer”/”Lessee”.

** Individuals, either singly or jointly or Two or more persons jointly or Two or more persons with operative instructions “Either or Survivor” or “Anyone or Survivor” or “Former or Survivor” clause, Firms, Limited Companies, Associations and Clubs and Trusts may avail this facility.
** Non-Resident Indians, who are constituents of the Bank, may also be extended this facility.
** Lockers can be hired by Illiterates and Blind persons also. However, lockers cannot be hired in the name of minors.

Nomination for Locker:
** Nomination facility is available in respect of lockers held (a) in the name of individuals singly or (b) in the names of two or more individuals to be operated under joint signatures of two or more hirer (s).
** Nomination facility is not available in respect of lockers hired in joint names, if the operations are to be allowed under single signature of any of the hirer(s).
** Only one person can be nominated in respect of a safe deposit locker held in a single name. Such nominee, on the death of the hirer, can have access to the locker.

** More than one person can be nominated in the case of locker held in joint names to be operated under the joint signatures of two or more persons. In the event of death of such joint hirer(s), the Bank may give such nominee/s, jointly with the surviving joint hirer(s), as the case may be, access to the Locker.
** Nomination facility is purely optional and left to the discretion of the hirer (s). It can be made, varied or cancelled at any time during the period of hire.
** At present BR Act (Section 457E) does not provide nomination facility in respect of lockers with “Either or Survivor” /”Former or Survivor”/”Anyone or Survivors” /”Latter or Survivor” mandate.

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Locker Module:
Authorised Person for Operation:
** In the case of sole hire the “Hirer” only, in the case of joint hire, both of them jointly, in the case of Firms, persons authorised, in the case of Companies as per resolution and in the case of others by a mandate signed by all the concerned shall have access to the locker unless instructions to the contrary are given in writing.
** However Hirer(s) is/are permitted to appoint his/her Agent on his/her behalf to have
** access to the Locker provided such authority in writing is given to the Bank and also on the terms and conditions as per the Locker Hire Agreement.
** In case of Joint Hirers, such an authority should be signed by all the Hirers.
** The authority in favour of such authorised person ceases with the death of the Hirer(s).
** The authority should be given in the Bank’s standard Mandate formats.

The locker rent is taken in advance for current year along with one year advance rent, which is not refundable.
The locker rent depends upon the size of locker and the location of branch as indicated under as on 01.10.2015

** Penalty of 2.00% per month (24% per annum) will be levied on the amount of locker arrears for the delay in payment of locker rent, if delay is more than a period of one month.
** The locker operations are restricted to 6 times in a quarter on an average. Rs 50/- shall be charged per each operation, if it exceeds 6 times in a quarter.
** Bank reserves the right to change locker charges, the notice of which the Lessee/Hirer agrees to dispense with.

Security Deposit:
The hirer (s) is required to keep an amount as security by way of fixed deposit which shall be equivalent to the rent for the period of three years plus breaking open charges of the locker, in case of any eventuality.

General Guidelines:

** The Hirer (s) can operate the Safe Deposit Locker only on the Bank’s working days and during the business hours of the Bank.
** The timings of the Business hours are displayed at each branch of bank.

Surrender Of locker:
** The locker can be surrendered by hirer (s) or their duly authorised representatives.
** When a hirer desires to surrender his locker through a representative, he should furnish a letter of authority in form No. RF130, that is available with branch, where there are instructions for joint operation of lockers, the same instructions are applicable for the purpose of surrendering lockers also.

Loss of Locker Key:
** If the key of the locker is lost by the hirer (s),the same should be immediately informed to the concerned branch in writing.
** In such an eventuality, the locker has to be break open and the Hirer (in case of joint hiring both/all of them) have to be present physically at the branch on the date fixed for break open.
** In such cases of breaking open of the Lockers and replacement of locks, the cost of break open and replacement of the lock along with the extant of service charges will be recovered from the hirer (s).

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