Bar Council of Maharashtra & Goa Application for Registration of Bar Association

Organisation : Bar Council of Maharashtra & Goa
Facility : Application for Registration of Bar Association

Download Application Form here : https://www.statusin.in/uploads/20763-form.pdf
Website : http://www.barcouncilmahgoa.org/

Registration Of Bar Association :

a) Every Bar Association shall apply to the Bar Council for recognition and registration thereof under these rules in prescribed form, alongwith:

Related : Bar Council of Maharashtra & Goa Advocates Welfare Fund/Medical Scheme : www.statusin.in/20604.html

(i) Copy of the Rules and Bye-laws of the Associations certified as true copy by the Registrar or other competent authority appointed under the Societies Registration Act, 1880 and copy of certificate or registration issued under said Act of 1880 certified likewise;

(ii) List of the office bearers of the Associations, showing their full names, ages, residential addresses, designations, dates of their appointment as office bearers and the expiry date of their appointments.

(iii) Registration fee @ Rs.100/- (One Hundred Only) for its every fifty members or part thereof calculated on the basis of information furnished in the application.

Provided that;
(i) the Bar Associations registered and recognised under the provisions of the Welfare Act prior to commencement of these rules shall be deemed to have been registered under these Rules.

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(ii) any Bar Association constituted after the date of commencement of these Rules, shall within period of six months form the constitution thereof, apply for recognition and registration, and;

(iii) that existing Bar Association which is not registered on the date of commencement of these Rules under the provisions of the Welfare Act shall, within period of six months from the date of commencement of these Rules, likewise apply for recognition and registration.

b) The Bar Council may, after such enquiry as it deems necessary, refuse to recognize and register any Bar Associations under these Rules and in case of such refusal half of the registration fees paid along-with the application for registration shall be refunded by the Bar Council and it shall be the duty of the President and Secretary of concerned Bar Assocaition named to communicate such refusal to all its members individually by written memo within period of a month from knowledge of such refusal by Bar Council.

c) The Order of grant or of refusing to grant registration passed by the Bar Council shall be communicated to the President or Secretary named in said application within three months of receipt of application for registration.

d) The Bar Council on recognition of the Bar Association shall issue a certificate of registration in such form as may be prescribed.

e) The certificate of registration issued under these Rules to the Bar Associations shall be valid only for period of five years from the date of issuance thereof by Bar Council.

Provided that the certificate issued under these Rules to the Bar Associations prior to the date of commencement of these Rules and under the provisions of the Welfare Act shall be deemed to have been issued under these Rules and shall be valid for period of only one year from the date of commencement of these Rules.

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