homeorissa.gov.in Application for Accommodation Odisha : Home Department

Organization : Home Department Government of Odisha
Facility : Application for Accommodation

Home Page : http://homeorissa.gov.in/index.htm
Apply here : http://as1.ori.nic.in/homedept/DataPosting.aspx

Application for Accommodation :

Date of Application :
It is the date on which the application for room reservation is submitted online.

Related : Women & Child Development Odisha Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls : www.statusin.in/9708.html

First Name, Middle Name & Last Name :
Name of the Applicant

Category to which you belong :
There are three categories of persons entitled to reservation in the Odisha Bhawan/ Niwas in New Delhi and Utkal Bhawan, Kolkata. Select one of the categories and the person from it befitting to you. If none of these categories applicable to you, select the fourth category which is for All others. Click here.
Note It is mandatory to select a category and an item from that category.

Designation :
Designation of the Applicant such as Under Secretary.

Occupation :
The Occupation of the person belonging to Category-4.

Department/ Office :
The name of the office in which the applicant works.

Organisation :
The name of the Organisation i.e. Secretariat, Govt. of Odisha, Govt. of India etc.

Bhawan in which required :
The Bhawan in which the accommodation required.

Type of accommodation required :
The type of accommodation required in the Bhawan selected above.

Period of Accommodation required :
From which date to which , the reservation is required.

Address for correspondence :
It may be official address or residential address.

Email ID :
Email ID of the applicant

Mobile No :
Mobile No of the Applicant.

Land Phone No :
Land Phone No of the Applicant with STD Code.
Note Either Mobile No or Land phone Number or both may be given.

The proof of Identity :
It is the Identity Card of the Applicant containing his/ her Photograph.

Identity Card No. :
The No. of the same Identity Card selected above.

The proof of Address :
The proof should indicate the address given above.

The Address Proof No :
The No. of the same Bill /Passbook selected in the proof of Address.
Note The proofs of Address and Identity ought to be shown by the applicant at the time of occupation in Odisha Bhawan/ Niwas, New Delhi and Utkal Bhawan ,Kolkata.

Purpose of visit :
** It is mandatory to select one of the purposes of visit such as Official, Medical Treatment, Interview and Others.
** If you are a retired Govt. Servant, enter P.P.O. No here. Also, produce the Pension Paper at the time of occupation. This is meant for the retired State Govt. Servant.
** If you are Govt. Servant going on Private Tour, attach scanned copy of First Page of Service Book or Offical Identity Card. If you are a Govt. Servant going on Official Tour, attach scanned copy of Proof of Offical Tour. : This is for the Govt. Servant going on Private or Official tour.

Note :
The fields marked with asterisk(*) are mandatory fields. This means that unless the fields are properly entered or selected wherever applicable, the application can not be submitted.

Categories: Odisha
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