farmer.gov.in National Agricultural Drought Assessment & Monitoring System : NADAMS

Organisation : Ministry of Agriculture
Facility: National Agricultural Drought Assessment & Monitoring System
Country : India

NADAMS : http://farmer.gov.in/nadams.aspx
Website : http://farmer.gov.in/FarmerHome.aspx

National Agricultural Drought Assessment :

National Agricultural Drought Assessment and Monitoring System (NADAMS), provides near real-time information on prevalence, severity level and persistence of agricultural drought at state/ district/sub-district level.

Related / Similar Facility : Agri Machinery Farmer Online Registration

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It covers 14 states of India, which are predominantly agriculture based and prone to drought situation. Agricultural conditions are monitored at state/district level using daily NOAA AVHRR data for 9 states. AWiFS (Advanced Wide Field Sensor) of Resourcesat (56 m resolution) is used for detailed assessment of agricultural drought at district and sub district level in five states.

Agricultural drought assessment is carried out with multiple indices/data as indicated below:
** Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) derived from NOAA AVHRR data (1km x 1km)
** Normalized Difference Wetness Index (NDWI) derived from MODIS (250 m) data
** Shortwave Angle Slope Index (SASI) derived from MODIS (500m) data
** Soil Moisture Index (derived from soil water balance approach using daily PET & Rainfall values)
** District-level Weekly Rainfall data from IMD– Rainfall Deviation, Number of dry weeks
** Taluk/Mandal Level Monthly Rainfall data from State Agriculture Departments
** Crop sown area collected from various states
** District level Irrigations Statistics

About Us :
** About Us Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian Economy”- said Mahatma Gandhi six decades ago.
** Even today, the situation is still the same, with almost the entire economy being sustained by agriculture, which is the mainstay of the villages.
** It contributes 16% of the overall GDP and accounts for employment of approximately 52% of the Indian population.
** Rapid growth in agriculture is essential not only for self-reliance but also to earn valuable foreign exchange.
** Indian farmers are second to none in production and productivity despite of the fact that millions are marginal and small farmers.
** They adopt improved agriculture technology as efficiently as farmers in developed countries.
** It is felt that with provision of timely and adequate inputs such as fertilizers, seeds, pesticides and by making available affordable agricultural credit /crop insurance, Indian farmers are going to ensure food and nutritional security to the Nation.
** It is envisaged to make available relevant information and services to the farming community and private sector through the use of information and communication technologies, to supplement the existing delivery channels provided for by the department.
** Farmers’ Portal is an endeavour in this direction to create one stop shop for meeting all informational needs relating to Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries sectors production, sale/storage of an Indian farmer.
** With this Indian Farmer will not be required to sift through maze of websites created for specific purposes.
** Once in the Farmers’ Portal, a farmer will be able to get all relevant information on specific subjects around his village/block /district or state.
** This information will be delivered in the form of text, SMS, email and audio/video in the language he or she understands.
** These levels can be easily reached through the Map of India placed on the Home page.
** Farmers will also be able to ask specific queries as well as give valuable feedback through the Feedback module specially developed for the purpose.

About Wheat :
** Wheat is the main cereal crop in India.
** The total area under the crop is about 29.8 million hectares in the country.
** The production of wheat in the country has increased significantly from 75.81 million MT in 2006-07 to an all time record high of 94.88 million MT in 2011-12.
** The productivity of wheat which was 2602 kg/hectare in 2004-05 has increased to 3140 kg/hectare in 2011-12.
** The major increase in the productivity of wheat has been observed in the states of Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh.
** Higher area coverage is reported from MP in recent years.
** Indian wheat is largely a soft/medium hard, medium protein, white bread wheat, somewhat similar to U.S. hard white wheat.
** Wheat grown in central and western India is typically hard, with high protein and high gluten content.
** India also produces around 1.0-1.2 million tons of durum wheat, mostly in the state of Madhya Pradesh.
** Most Indian durum is not marketed separately due to segregation problems in the market yards.
** However, some quantities are purchased by the private trade at a price premium, mainly for processing of higher value/branded products.
** The production and productivity of Wheat crop were quite low, when India became independent in 1947.
** The production of Wheat was only 6.46 million tonnes and productivity was merely 663 kg per hectare during 1950-51, which was not sufficient to feed the Indian population.
** The Country used to import Wheat in large quantities for fulfilling the needs of our people from many countries like USA under PL-480.

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