banglarbhumi.gov.in Know Your Property Khatian & Plot : West Bengal Land Reforms

Organisation : Land & Land Reforms Department, Government of West Bengal
Facility : Know Your Property
Website : http://banglarbhumi.gov.in/BanglarBhumi/KnowYourProperty.action

How To Know Your Property In West Bengal?

To know your Property in West Bengal, Follow the below steps

Related / Similar Facility :
1. Banglarbhumi Khatian & RS-LR Plot Information

2. Procedure for Collection of Certified Copies of Mauza Maps

i) Select District
ii) Select Block
iii) Select Mouza
iv) Enter Khatian No/ Plot No.
v) Click on Submit Button to know your Property details

Content of this page is near exact replication of land record database collocated at the central server and in case of any factual error(s) in the content, viewer(s) is/are advised to contact the concerned BL&LRO office for authentication. A plot is essentially considered a parcel of real property in some countries.

How To Get West Bengal Khatian & Plot Information?

To Get West Bengal Khatian & Plot Information, Follow the below steps

Selection of District,Block :
District name / Block name is displayed in
** “Green” color means Centrally Co-Located live data.
** “Blue” color means Legacy Data.
** “Black” means No Data available.

How To Search By Khatian /Plot Number?

To Search Khatian & Plot Information By Khatian /Plot Number, Follow the below steps

** If khatian no./Plot no. is in the form as ‘99999/99’, then put ‘99999’(First portion of khatian no./plot no.) in the box before the slash (‘/’) and put ’99′(Second portion of khatian no./plot no.) in the box after slash(‘/’).
e.g.- If khatian/Plot no. is ‘495/01’ then put ‘495’ in the box before(‘/’) and ’01’ in the box after slash(‘/’).

** Otherewise,If khatian no./Plot no. is in the form as ‘99999’ (Without any slash ‘/’), then put whole khatian no./plot no. in the box before the slash ‘/’
e.g.- If khatian/Plot no. is ‘49501’ i.e without any slash(‘/’) then put ‘49501’ in the box before the slash(‘/’).

No Record Found :
** Message “No Record Found” means record is either not available or invalid entry.

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Raiyat & Khatian :
A person owning parcel(s) of land in a mauza is a Raiyat and details of his or her ownership, use(s) of land, revenue payable, etc. constitute his or her record of right or Khatian.

The number of Raiyats in the State is over 40 million and so is the number of Record of Rights. These maps and records are Public Documents. Maps and records are required to update due to change of ownership or use of land.

A plot is essentially considered a parcel of real property in some countries. Like most other types of property, lots or plots owned by private parties are subject to a periodic property tax payable by the owners to local governments such as a county or municipality. These real estate taxes are based on the assessed value of the real property; additional taxes usually apply to transfer of ownership and property sales. Other fees by government are possible for improvements such as curbs and pavements or an impact fee for building a house on a vacant plot.

About Us :
The origin of Land & Land Reforms Department is to be traced back to the setting of Board of Revenue by British Rulers for consolidating and stabilizing revenue collection establishment and machinery in accordance with ‘permanent settlement’ enacted under Regulation I of 1793 in order to maximize revenue collection from land for fulfilling British Colonial interest.

With the independence of India stress was quite logically shifted from the concept of revenue administration to welfare administration. Inconformity with the change of concept, the Department which was before independence named as Land & Land Revenue Department, after passing quite a long period as Department of Utilization & Reforms and Land & Land Revenue, ultimately became Land & Land Reforms Department reflecting the priorities of the State.

Components of Land Reforms :
** Detection & Vesting of Ceiling Surplus Land.
** Distribution of Vested lands among the landless peasants.
** Acquisition of Homestead land and its assignment among homeless rural poor.
** Providing protection to sharecroppers by recording their names.
** Continuous Maintenance & Updating of Record of Rights & Maps.
** Public Service for Record of Rights & Maps.

FAQ On Banglarbhumi West Bengal

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On Banglarbhumi West Bengal

Q: What is Banglarbhumi West Bengal?
A: Banglarbhumi is the online land record portal of the Government of West Bengal. The portal provides access to various land-related services, such as information on land records, mutation status, plot maps, and market values.

Q: What are the services offered by Banglarbhumi West Bengal?
A: The following are the main services offered by Banglarbhumi West Bengal:

** Information on land records
** Mutation status
** Plot maps
** Market values
** Application for land conversion
** Application for land classification
** Application for plot information
** Application for plot map
** Grievance redressal

Q: How can I access Banglarbhumi West Bengal?
A: You can access Banglarbhumi West Bengal by visiting the official website of the portal. The website provides access to all the land-related services offered by the Government of West Bengal.

View Comments (7)

    • For Search by Khatian no./Plot no. :
      ** If khatian no./Plot no. is in the form as '99999/99', then put '99999'(First portion of khatian no./plot no.) in the box before the slash ('/') and put '99'(Second portion of khatian no./plot no.) in the box after slash('/').
      e.g.- If khatian/Plot no. is '495/01' then put '495' in the box before('/') and '01' in the box after slash('/').
      ** Otherewise,If khatian no./Plot no. is in the form as '99999' (Without any slash '/'), then put whole khatian no./plot no. in the box before the slash '/'
      e.g.- If khatian/Plot no. is '49

      Information as provided in the official website of Land & Land Reforms Department, Government of West Bengal.

    • For Search by Khatian no./Plot no. :
      ** If khatian no./Plot no. is in the form as '99999/99', then put '99999'(First portion of khatian no./plot no.) in the box before the slash ('/') and put '99'(Second portion of khatian no./plot no.) in the box after slash('/').
      e.g.- If khatian/Plot no. is '495/01' then put '495' in the box before('/') and '01' in the box after slash('/').
      ** Otherewise, If khatian no./Plot no. is in the form as '99999' (Without any slash '/'), then put whole khatian no./plot no. in the box before the slash '/'
      e.g.- If khatian/Plot no. is '49501' i.e without any slash('/') then put '49501' in the box before the slash('/').

      Information as provided in the official website of Land & Land Reforms Department, Government of West Bengal

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