indane.co.in How To Transfer Connection : IndianOil Corporation

Organization : IndianOil Corporation Ltd
Facility : How To Transfer Connection

Details : https://indane.co.in/Emergency-Helpline-1906.php
Home Page : https://indane.co.in/

How To Transfer Connection :

In case you are shifting your residence, you may follow either of the following options :-
Within the same distributor’s area of operation :
Advise your distributor your new address with supporting proof of residence so that he effects the change in his records and your future supplies shall then be sent to your new place of residence.

Related : IndianOil Corporation Single Point Emergency Service Cell : www.statusin.in/21249.html

Within the same town :
** In case your present distributor does not service your new place of residence, you may approach your Indane distributor with your original Subscription Voucher (SV).
** The distributor shall prepare a transfer termination voucher (TTV) for the place of your new residence.
** You can then approach the nearest Indane Distributor serving your new place of residence along with proof of residence, TTV and DGCC booklet (Domestic gas consumer card)
** The distributor shall prepare a Transfer Subscription voucher (TSV) against your TTV and shall provide you a new consumer number.
** These details will be updated in your DGCC booklet, (Domestic gas consumer card) .

While getting transferred out of town :
** In this case of a shift of residence within the same town you are not required to surrender your equipment.
** Hence you need to carry your Indane domestic cylinder and pressure regulator to your new residence.
** In case you are transferred outside the town, you are required to surrender your Indane equipment viz. cylinder and pressure regulator to your Indane distributor.

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** In such a case, you may approach your Indane distributor with your Subscription Voucher (SV) or Transfer Subscription Voucher (TSV) as the case may be & Domestic Gas Consumer Card (DGCC) along-with your Cylinder/s and Pressure Regulator.

** The distributor in turn will prepare a Termination Voucher (TV) in your name for your new place and refund the deposit held against the Cylinder/s and Regulator.
** You will also be guided to the nearest Indane distributor for future service.
** At the new place you can approach the nearest Indane distributor for resuming your Indane supplies.

Get back to indane after migrating to PNG :
** If you have shifted to PNG from Indane connection, we still continue to value your relationship as Indane customer.
** As a PNG user, a LPG cylinder, either full or empty, stocked in your house has a potential hazard, as even empty cylinders contain inflammable vapors that can cause serious fire or explosion.
** We request you therefore to kindly surrender your Indane connection with an option to take LPG connection of Indane, Bharat Gas or HP Gas anytime, anywhere in the country, whenever you need it.
** No charges will be levied for entrusting your LPG connection in our safe custody.

All you need is to call on your distributor to complete the following formalities: –
** Refund the deposit amount mentioned in the Subscription Voucher issued at the time of release of Indane connection against return of cylinders and Pressure Regulator
** Take a copy of your latest PNG bill against which a Special Termination Voucher called ‘Safe Custody TV for PNG consumer’ will be given to you. It is without any restriction on validity and also transferable to any of the family members (Father, Mother, Son, Daughter, Brother, Sister) anywhere in the country.

Whenever you wish to transfer your connection to your family member against safe custody TV,
all you need to do is :
** Fill in the transfer authorization given below in this letter in the name of that person.
** He/She should present this letter authorized by you along with ‘Safe Custody TV for PNG consumer’ given to you to the LPG distributor.
** LPG Distributors shall issue new LPG connection after completing necessary formalities

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