mahadiscom.in New Connection Request Maharashtra : State Electricity Distribution Comapny Ltd

Organization : Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Comapny Ltd
Facility :New Electricity Connection Request

Home Page : http://mahadiscom.in/
Apply here : https://wss.mahadiscom.in/wss/wss?uiActionName=getNewConnectionRequest

New Electricity Connection Request :

** After logging in to the system, and navigating to the My Account screen, you can request for a new temporary or permanent connection for the existing connection.

Related : State Electricity Distribution Comapny View/ Pay Bill Maharashtra : www.statusin.in/2151.html

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** You can also create a request for a new connection without logging in to the system. Click New Connection Request in the WSS Module, a New Connection Request screen is displayed.
** To create a request for a new connection after logging in to the system,
** Log in to your account.
** Select a consumer, and then click New Connection. A New Connection Request screen is displayed.
** Alternatively, To create a request for a new connection without logging in to the system
** Click New Connection Request in the WSS Module, A New Connection Request screen is displayed.

Instructions for filling the form :
** Kindly fill complete and correct information in relevant column.
** Applicant will be solely responsible for incomplete or incorrect information
** Applicant is requested to note the request id for future tracking of the application.
** Please provide the correct nearest consumer number, so that your request can be assigned to proper MSEDCL field office.
** The applicant will be contacted by MSEDCL officer /Call Center Representative on email/mobile provided by you for verification.
** Please download New Connection Form and keep ready duly filled in and signed with required documents (which are mentioned on A1 Form).
** Click here for help regarding filling New Connection Request.
** Email address is mandatory and either Phone number or Mobile number is mandatory.

Make the following declaration :
** to abide by the provisions of the Electricity Act 2003 and Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission Electricity Supply Code and other conditions of Supply.
** to pay for the supply of electricity based on the prevailing tariff rates of MSEDCL
** to pay for all other proper charges as become due in accordance with above regulation and approved schedule of charges of MSEDCL.
** to deposit such security as MSEDCL may be entitled to be required from me/us under the above Act and Regulations.
** to undertake to avail supply within one month from the date the MSEDCL intimate that it is ready to supply to our premises failing which I/we undertake to pay the MSEDCL the minimum charges as may be applicable.
** The above information is true and if any false information is observed, I will be fully responsible for the same.
** In the event of death of individual I/We hereby nominate to receive or adjust the deposit outstanding in my/ our name to

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