uppolice.gov.in Find Your Police Station : Uttar Pradesh UP Police

Organisation : Uttar Pradesh Police
Facility : Find Your Police Station
State : Uttar Pradesh

Website : https://uppolice.gov.in/#secondPage

Find Your Police Station :

i) Select your District
ii) Select your Thana

Related / Similar Service : Uttar Pradesh Medical Council Registration Certificate

The Police structure was erected in the form of the following eight organisations :
** Provincial Police
** Government Railway Police
** Municipal Police
** Cantonment Police
** Town Police
** Rural and Road Police
** Canal Police
** Barkandaj Guard (to protect the courts)

Contact us :
9454402554 Fax:0522-2286615

Website feedback and uploading of Data feeding Problems:
Email to: uppcc-up[at]nic.in

About us :
With an area of appx. 243,286 Sq.Km. and a population of over 20 Crores apporx (census 2011), Uttar Pradesh has the distinction of being the largest single Police force not only in the country but of the entire world. The Director General of UP Police commands a force of approx. 2.5 Lacs aprox. personnel spread over 75 districts, 33 armed Battalions and other specialised wings/ branches relating to Intelligence, Investigation, Anti-corruption, Technical, Training, Forensic Science etc.

FAQs :
Is it possible to extend handholding support beyond 6 months?
Yes. However, Center will provide funding only for 6 months at the rate of Rs 15,000 per month.

Related Post

Should the Operations & Maintenance (O&M) services for all locations begin at the same time?
No. Operations and Maintenance Services will start separately for each phase post the “Go-Live” of that phase.

Should the duration of O&M services be limited to 5 years only?
The State/UT can opt for a longer duration. However, the Center will only fund the O&M services for a period of 3 years. Anything over and above that will need to be self funded by the respective State/UT.

Is it sufficient to provide a map with the Police Stations highlighted?
No. The State/UT must provide detailed addresses of all the Police Stations and Higher Offices.

Should there be a price break-up between the implementation and Operations & Maintenance phases?
No. The amount payable to the SI during the implementation and operations and maintenance phases will be 100% of the amount quoted by the SI for the phases respectively. Providing a break-up of the total payment will contradict the NPV calculation.

Is it mandatory for the State/UT to fill up data in the “Form 2: Detailed Component-Wise Pricing”?
Yes. The State/UT must provide information on
** The type of component and
** The number of components/units of service required.

This will reduce discrepancies and make it easier for the bidders to arrive at the total price.

The State/UT has been providing basic computer skills training to personnel as part of capacity building initiative. Should the same training be requested for as part of the SI RFP also?
If the training has been completed for all the personnel, then it should not be asked for.

However, if a certain number of people are still pending after the SI is onboard and the budget sanctioned under CB-Training is unspent, the same may be considered as a scope of work under capacity building for SI.

Is it mandatory for the States/UTs to use the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) technique for evaluation of commercial bids?
Yes, since the payments to the SI will be made over a period of over six years, the DCF method will be used to compare different payment terms, including advance payments and progressive stage payments to the SIs so as to bring them to a common denomination for determining lowest bidder.

Categories: Uttar Pradesh
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